I love Hudsons, scale and traditional size. They are my favorite type of steam engine. The 4-6-4 makes for a perfectly balanced wheel arrangement. I have a scale Lionel 1964 773 Hudson, Vision Line Gun metal grey Hudson, MTH Premier proto 1 #5344 and Empire State Express Hudsons, both upgraded by Marty Fitzhenry to proto 2 with LEDs, and traditional size Railking Hudson #5419, MTH Railking Imperial Dreyfuss Hudson, and Milwaukee Road Imperial Hiawatha Hudson.
But I don't own a scale Dreyfuss Hudson. I ran my MTH Railking Imperial Dreyfuss Hudson tonight and now it just looks too small to me, even on my new 7.5 x 12 layout. And I am not a "it has to be scale engine or nothing guy", or a rivet counter.
I think it's time for Lionel to finally offer one. Its features, like the Vision Line Niagra, should include whistle steam, pop off (safety valve) smoke effect, force coupler, kinematic draw bar, and the water scoop effect in the tender.
For those of you who think that too many Hudsons that have been offered recently, I state that it has been 9 years since Lionel last offered a Vision Line Hudson. Moreover, they have issued a Vision line Challenger 2 or 3 times since Vision Line engines were first offered in 2009.
So the question becomes, is it time for Lionel to issue a Vision Line Dreyfuss Hudson in the near future, and would you buy one? My answer to both questions is yes.
Thanks for reading
Erol Gurcan