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Very nice job. I just wanted to give you some input on the backdrop. I believe I have the same and years back they were still experimenting on how to hang it. I put my hardboard up first and then attached the backdrop with the rubber cement - around the perimeter and through the middle or so. Went up fine, looked great - nice product however, one year later it developed the bubbles. Not a few but major bubbles everywhere. I ended up taking it all down and I reinstalled it using the 3M spray adhesive on 100% of the area. Years later - no more bubbles. So hanging it from the top should work for you as long as you don't try mounting the bottom also as I think moisture might have a play in the non-mounted areas expanding/ shrinking etc.

Re lights - it looks like you have the "work" lights under control. For effect lights I just used track lighting mounted above the benchwork fascia. Nice that you can add fixtures as needed, point them where you want etc. Each track is on its own dimmer run off a 24 channel light dimmer panel. Didn't buy that - it was free but I believe CSXAl was looking into some 16 channel ones a few years back in the $500 price range. If I had to do it again, I would have used the 2 channel track lights in some areas to be able to highlight certain things different from what the rest of the track is doing. HD sells the fixtures, but the 2 channel tracks were special order and I didn't care to wait.

Everything above my backdrop is flat black so you don't really see any of it. Don't think you want to do that in your situation but you should check out someones layout to see the effect it gives if you haven't already.

Again, nice job - good luck with the rest of the build. I'm sure you have inspired many to get off their duffs and get some work done on their layouts - I know you have for me. JP
Originally posted by ddurling:
Just quickly scanned through this entire thread. Reading it all at once was like drinking from a fire hose! Simply unbelievable, so I just have one question for Patrick: do you have a job-spouse-kids-other hobbies-need for any sleep at all?

A few comments:

  • WOW. Holy $@#*, Batman! That is an AMAZING layout!!!!
  • Is sleep on the schedule, somewhere? Or are you mainlining caffeine? Big Grin

A previous poster said it, you put my progress to shame. And it looks like you are building it with a real attention to detail and quality. Very, very impressive. Congratulations.

Please help me with some suggestions--of the ideas you have, or have already done to use lighting to highlight certain areas.Even the controls and what they do.

I know very little about lighting and controls and whats out there.

I have left 2 switched wires in the ceiling,
also it is very easy for me to add more and switches in the wall and runs up into the ceiling.

I have moved into a phase where I am making visits to the train room but only to run trainsuntil i gather enough material to get started in specific areas.LOL

DDurling --yes of course i have a job and 4 kids in school and a love for trains!!

Chris--- Thanks you for your compliment

JP----- Anyway, yes I used double sided carpet tape and hung it, Where i was off a little i pulled it back off pretty easy and re applied it. Overall I am happy with the results , although not perfect but pretty nice.

Alex and Jp-----------The lighting. I just got back from International builder show. I went to the big lighting manufacturers booth, while i was there all week(working)

I asked both about the 16 channel and 24 channel light sytem . They didnt know what i meant(neither did I)

Please explain the 16 channel system and how it works?

Alex,--------- I like what you did there.
Im not a fan of the flourescents but i wish i was each month when the light bill comes.

I like the idea of having Light bars with maybe 6-8 spots at different brightness levels, Is that possible?

Jim-- Let me see how things progress , of course i will have a few people over, if theirs something specific send my personal email.

ELIOT---- I have NO service facility to compare LOL YET

I do have a pretty good plan and soon will do a RRfile of the facility for some feedback around the Turntable.
Last edited by Patrick H
Good Evening Patrick,

As everyone else has said, your layout and progress is just WOW! I wish I could help you with the lighting. I am struggling with the same thing. My room is 20x50 and I went with 6 Fluroscent cover ceiling lights spaced evenly around the room, five feet from the walls. I am doing an around the room layout with middle median. I also used double circuit track lighting down the middle, operational by two separate switches (that lets me put half of the lights on a dimmer). So far I have only purchased 4 LED spot lights but will be buying more (maybe different kinds) as layout/scenery develops and I can see more about the need.

How far are you from York? Currently I am planning on flying into Baltimore (could change depending on where you are located), have drove from Florida the last two shows to bring home (car load) MTH ScaleTrax track, Apr 2010 and Al's 34" turntable, Oct 2010. I was hoping for an open house of your layout. Would really enjoy seeing it in person.
I just got back from orlando.

Ill have to see how far I get. I have been suprisingly busy at work.
I am if i remember correctly about 4 1/2 hours west of York .
You have one heck of a space !! This is only a suggestion and i was told the same.

JP and Alex got me started onthat 16 channel lighting and i am trying to see whats all involve in that.

Cant wait to see it go up!!
Also I havnt seen this pic on your thread, Looking good!!!
Last edited by Patrick H

Layout progress is great!

Here are some links to places to buy some kits, and the DMX website. These [people make what I think you may be looking for. The main idea is that you use a controller - could be software based - that control a number of dimmer "packs" that the electricity goes thru to feed the lighting. This level of control allows you to create scene that set lighting in a particular area, or light setting - dim, color and so forth.

I have used some of this in stages and shows in the past. It appears the costs are much lower than in the past. A great layout like yours could be a great showcase with the proper light set up.

I hope this helps.

some kits
Originally posted by Patrick H:
I just got back from orlando.

Ill have to see how far I get. I have been suprisingly busy at work.
I am if i remember correctly about 4 1/2 hours west of York .
You have one heck of a space !! This is only a suggestion and i was told the same.

JP and Alex got me started onthat 16 channel lighting and i am trying to see whats all involve in that.

Cant wait to see it go up!!
Also I havnt seen this pic on your thread, Looking good!!!

Good morning, looks like you are close to Pittsburgh. Would really like to come and visit your layout the week of York. I just checked flights into Pittsburgh and can get Southwest for $69. each way. Sounds great. Let me know if you think this works so I can go ahead and book the flight. If something comes up later that would prevent a visit, I would understand. Very excited about seeing your layout first hand.

Hope you enjoyed your trip to Orlando. I worked for Disney for 21 years
gsn1 ,---- You are a train nut alright! We have a show this weekend at the Greenburgh Train ,Monroeville,Pa Let me see whats going on as far as whos all going to York and if i can maybe finally get some help. Our cluib has been slammed with one show after another. Maybe Ill make somekind of plans.

Rich --- thanks!! I have guitar center here in my city . I asm going to go up there and see what they have and someone who uses them.

When I first switched to flourescents the MFG. engineers walked me through the variables of Kelvin heat ranges (K) and the different color rendition indexs (C.R.I.).

For true color photo work I was told to go with a 6000 plus Kelvin and a c.r.i. of mid/high 90s.

Just for personal eyecandy enjoyment a c.r.i. of 88+ and a Kelvin of 4000+ should be satisfactory. Considerable cost difference when you are talking 50 or more tubes.

Like audio euipment, lighting is rather subjective. For my new train room I am using 2 X 4 88 c.r.i./4000 Kelvin T-8 tubes spaced 30" apart over the linear benchwork around the wall.

Alot of your layout is more of a island in construction and you may wish to use a blanket pattern. Maybe even consider OTTS lights like Joe G did in his new pike. Extreamly even natural light, very efficient.

In any event, you would have to do something really weird to make that beautiful RR of yours anything less than fantastic! You are an great example for all of us.

Consider velcro for the Backdrop Wharehouse hanging w/ sealed seams.
Tom -

Thats some pretty fancy talking for someone like me.

As far as the backdrop its already up and the double sided carpet tape was the way to go for me. As long as you dont press hard until you know its where you want it ,its easy to pull back of,if you do press hard you can still reposition if you take your time. Also when it hangs you dont see any imperfections behind the paper.I need to get 2 more pieces to finish.

As for the lights:

What i am inteurputing from what you described is that I should go with Flourescent fixtures as some suggested.Find the bulbs according to your Kelvin and CRI language, I think your saying there are different heat and type of lighting I can buy? So I should first look for the bulbs you suggested then make sure the fixture holds that type of bulb? For example T-12 or T-8. 2 or 4 ft fixtures.

So in the case when I want to turn day into night , I will still also have to have strip spot lighting above the 3 Islands and Along the wall portins of the layout. The flourescent would go out first then the Incondescents and spots dimm together?
Patrick, some random thoughts:
There are dimable flourescents. I do not have any experience with them.

If you are going to outfit with flourescents I would encourage you to check with the mfg tech dept for special order of quiet starters. The cheap stuff the box stores sell off the shelf have an annoying hum IMO.

As of recent years all the tubes I see at Homer & Lowe's have Kelvin and C.R.I. ratings listed on the box and on their individual wrappers.

I use special order quiet starter twin 4' tube assemblies spaced 30" apart. The spacing is dependant upon a combination of ceiling height and layout height. My basement has a 8' ceiling so it a decent coverage.

Joe G's train room full of Ott lights is perhaps the very best illuminated train room I have ever seen. You may wish to check it out. Absolutely no shadows. I was not aware of that high level of lighting when I did mine. Wish I had Otts instead, but...........

GE markets a Sunshine tube which is excellent.

My background is floorcovering retail and installation. We always had to have high rated tubes to show the true colors . Average flourescent tubes would only confuse the customers. They give false color readings of flooring and models plus IMO set a blah kind of mood in the room.

To get a good idea of what to expect, purchase a few of the better tubes and place them in one fixture and get the budget entry level joe six pack tubes in another adjacent fixture and just look at the difference. IMo it is a no brainer.

I formerly rejected flourescents without consideration due to my ignorance. Several years ago I stumbled onto the tech dept at a supplier and discovered there is a world of variety in the field and it has matured even more recently.

At least take some time and check it out. You are at a cross road right now where a careful selection at this point will save operating cost and provide unparalleled color with cooler temps. A room as large as yours will save on the AC w/o a lot of hot bulbs.

As slick as your curved benchwork is you may also want to check out some under the edge of the layout led strips for aisle down lighting for walking during night train running.

You now have some lighting examples in your mailbox.

I am waiting for the train fund to build up for the lights and 2 more sections of backdrop. In the meantime i am taking a small section at a time and finishing it. Last night I wired up the 3 dz 2500s in this area and disquised them best i could and added some ballast and weathered the track. I am serching for a good switch tower to put in this section.






Images (1)
  • APN
Last edited by Patrick H

Thank you for being easy on me.

The short answer is yes.

My plan is now to take 1 small section at a time and work my way around the entire layout and create various scenes that i think are, well, scenic.

There will be modifications to the benchwork and foam as i go around. Especially the boring ground under the bridges and also at the end of the walkways in the "turn arounds", . I have some big plans for lakes etc.. And when i get around to the middle pennisula ,I am gonna cut it up a good bit .I havnt decided what to put on top of it just yet.


I dont remember what size that is, if you d like I can measure it for you,all i remember that i had 3 pieces of it left over from when i built the house and the wife kept telling me to throw it out. So instead i used it up.

GSN1: Please send me personal email.
Last edited by Patrick H
Ill post a few more this weekend

I am just posting so others can get ideas (as i do from others) and also for those like me who enjoy this stuff.

I had a 4-5 people contact me about various things. Not sure if Thom was one of them , will check emails again. Truth is i am not even considering having anyone come by until after this summer. It might look like alot has been done in a short time, but that was the shell, a long way to go before ill feel like its minimually presentable.

I have been working on a couple buildings and the yard while i save up for the lighting. So ill post a few this weekend.

Thank you for your interest and nice comments guys.

Not to much new, Working on the engine service area. The train fund is about ready for the real lighting. Facility is rough right now, i have a few projects going at once. I am not happy with the tone of this "dirt" and static grass, is looks very yellow. (course it may be the sad lighting)
I have since then got some real powdered dirt that i am going to go over this terrible yellow with. I started to put some ballast down and will straighten it up once i get dirt fixed up.

I have been struggling because i want the entire yard to be dirt not cinders. Couldnt seem to find real dirt.

Anyway for those that care, here are some pics. I will be cutting in the ash pit and building a sandhouse and tower.I have the water column. Once i get this facility finished , hopefully in two weeks. I will post a few more pics. Thanks for looking.





Heres a little video to watch , this is a section where i finished the rock from its original base coating.This is what it should all look like when its done.
You can see the big difference from second video.



Last edited by Patrick H
Superb layout. I have seen nothing like it in O-gauge. I just noticed your "celotex type" ceiling which should/will absorb a lot of train sound. Even if you are running the entire roster. Not to start a debate[again]but sound tests, or at least one I know of, have shown that celotexed ceiling/walls and a carpeted floor plus a layout skirt are the keys to sound abatement, not the foam or Homasote roadbed we have all worshiped for years.
Great work! Smile
I hear ya Paul,

Except there is 8 inches of snow on it. LOL

I went down to see Jim ,(scenic express) he had 3 types of real dirt. Fine -med -course) the course had some 1/8 to 3/16 pebbles mix in with the dirt.Like on a baseball field.(Thats where i was going to get my dirt.LOL)
After starting to spread the course.
I stopped and spenta half hour with tweezers geting them pebbles back out. Then I used the fine. This stuff is really nice. I didnt buy the medium for this stuff is 10.00 for a small container. Same as the other (ground covers). When i get to the dirt road i will also use the fine but i think the medium would be the ticket there.
That's pretty well the same thing I found, makes a great looking road. I use White Glue and Water 50-50 mix with a drop of liquid soap. I bought a gallon at the local hardware store, and that will cover a whole lot of real estate. Big Grin

As I am planning to rip down my layout and rebuild it, I have been following this thread, and you are doing a great job with yours!
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