First, let me apologize by saying that I tried searching this forum, Google, and Youtube to no avail, so if the remedy to my question is readily available somewhere, I couldn't find it. With that said, I spoke with Lionel's Ryan Kunkle at York and he said that if I am looking to have two completely separate and unconnected track loops, I should only use one Legacy Cab 2 to connect to both loops to avoid interference. Thus, I assume that I need 2 power bricks (or transformers) and 2 Legacy power masters to power each loop individually (i.e. 1 power brick and 1 power master per loop), but then how do I best connect the Legacy Cab 2 base to the two loops? I'm using Fastrack, so do I merely connect the Legacy base to each terminal Fastrack section on each loop, or do I somehow connect the base to just one of the terminal sections on one of the loops, and then somehow connect a wire to join the two loops together? Thanks for the help, and, by all means, if any of my aforementioned assumptions are off base (no pun intended), please feel free to let me know.