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9EF40A57-28E2-4DCA-9610-3620AFA32E10655B0BB0-2D42-4174-8436-71C2EBC22D5702F2D80E-ABDD-408A-925B-EAAA4F188C2D5227B339-0DAD-4829-8957-84ED91A3C37A3ADA8D8A-DAB2-4900-BD7A-6F5B36A2040CCCE5A5BD-85CE-4408-9566-4DBFBAE64A4DOk, I had everything laying around except for the roller pick-up. It came from Williams, it’s for one of the e-z streets vehicles. I used 3M double sided tape to apply the roller. I didn’t want anything permanent. But I had to sandwich a 1/16” piece of plastic between the the roller and disconnect body to space it right and insulate the center pick-up. With the wheel pick-up, I bolted it to one of the existing screws. As for Santa I bought some extras for my animated cabooses that I have from Lionel. The figures have been sold out for years now. But I purchased the figure stand for the Polar Express Conductor announcement car and cut the long skinny part off and used double sided tape again to adhere the stand to the deck. The wires are small enough to run them down the corrugated part between the deck and wall of the disconnect. From there I soldered the connections and applied Santa.


Images (6)
  • 9EF40A57-28E2-4DCA-9610-3620AFA32E10
  • 655B0BB0-2D42-4174-8436-71C2EBC22D57
  • 02F2D80E-ABDD-408A-925B-EAAA4F188C2D
  • 5227B339-0DAD-4829-8957-84ED91A3C37A
  • 3ADA8D8A-DAB2-4900-BD7A-6F5B36A2040C
  • CCE5A5BD-85CE-4408-9566-4DBFBAE64A4D

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