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Anyone have one of these and can share some information about it please? They seem to have been issued and then very few reports of use surfaced. Are they somewhat 'rare'?

I've not seen the Lionel version in person before (think I saw a K-Line model awhile back on a table) but just bought the Boston & Maine version used from a shop for what I perceive to be a decent price. How are they in actual use? Will assume that Lionel 'improved' the original K-Line design with the motor layout and the better electronics but how about the smoke output? Is this a better smoke unit than some of the other Legacy steamers that all seem to suffer from the 'blinks of death' that ALL of my Legacy diesel & steam locomotives have suffered.

Your photos will be appreciated as well.  Thanks!

Last edited by c.sam
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I had the Boston Albany version. Lionel switched the motor back into the firebox and it was a large Canon motor.

The smoke fan had gotten noisy so I lubed it and it corrected the problem. These actually had a plastic smoke unit bowl which I though was strange.

Smoke output was good. No whistle steam offered on these. In fact , there was no whistle detail on the B&A version at all. It was also missing on the K Line version as well.

It was a good puller and smooth runner. 14031404


 Heres really poor old video with the smoke unit on low:




Videos (1)
Last edited by RickO

Thanks Rick, she looks pretty good there in the video!  SO much piping detail - terrific. Like the smoke output too.  Did we ever decide if they are smaller than the 'other' scale Berks?  I'm trying to remember some of the discussion comments that flew around back then.

As nice as that appears, why did you let it go if I may ask?

Anyone else have one of these?

That's what I figured and have not considered the K-Line although several have given good reports on them. No interest in the older electronics and the different motor placement.  The Legacy Berk is on its way this morning!

At present, I only have a single Legacy steamer (MR S3) and the smoke unit has quit in it as well!  :-(

c.sam posted:

.  Did we ever decide if they are smaller than the 'other' scale Berks?  I'm trying to remember some of the discussion comments that flew around back then.

Yes, because they were based on a smaller prototype that evolved from the Mikado heres the thread:

 Berkshire Size Comparison

As nice as that appears, why did you let it go if I may ask?

Once I got used to the piping, it lost its "wow" factor for me. While the soundset is legacy, my personal taste found it to be a bit ho hum. Again, its my "personal taste", yourself and others may certainly think otherwise.

(My new purchases are always compared to my first gen legacy berk and M1b.  Of what I own ( which doesn't include a VL challenger or bigboy)These two locomotives still, IMO have superior sound and represent the pinnacle of Lionels steam sounds.I.E each has its own unique chuff I've not heard on any other Legacy loco. Lately Lionel seems to have gone the way of MTH a bit. More frequent repeats of generic sounds....again, IMO.)

It was sold off to fund something else of greater interest. 

Anyone else have one of these?

In the end. I hope you enjoy your new Berkshire Sam!

Last edited by RickO

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