Grandson and I stopped by the local shop today and I found the above mentioned unit among their used items for sale. It had no road numbers on the cab or elsewhere and was painted like this.
Not meaning to be critical but it was very cheaply made with non-operational couplers, single motor and the non-powered trucks had very rudimentary pickups etc. I'm not sure but the lights on each end did not look functional, but I may be wrong about that. Normally I wouldn't have any interest in the item but I grew up in Eastern Oklahoma where the Midland Valley, KO&G operated and thought it would make a nice addition if not for the very low-end appearance.
Can anyone add any information about this switcher, like the Lionel item #, ability to upgrade trucks, couplers etc. if the engine can be upgraded a bit it would be worth having as it is a reminder of mis-spent youth but as it is I really don't care for the lack of detail and entry level parts.