I just got an RW transformer as part of a Marx NYC Copper Queen set, I want to use it but I want to make sure it's safe to use before I put it to use. On the outside, it looks good but the cord is a little soft, should I be worried about that?
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The cord should be soft & pliable, & w/o cracks or missing insulation.
ADCX Rob posted:The cord should be soft & pliable, & w/o cracks or missing insulation.
Alright. Theres no cracks or missing insulation.
Two more questions, can I use a zip tie to tie the cord up or is it not a good for the cord? I just zip ties on my modern transformers and don't have a problem. Also what is the red lights for on the right corner for, power or when the circuit breaker pops?
Überstationmeister posted:A reasonably snug zip tie should not be a problem. The red light indicates the circuit breaker has tripped.
Just tested it. Works great. Only trouble is a little hum coming out of it. My grandpa had a Postwar ZW that did that, he got it fixed (unfortunately I don't know what they did to it) and it's much quieter. Also, what is the circuit breaker rated for?
Überstationmeister posted:The hum is normal because of the design of the core. There are options such as wooden wedges or epoxy, but this is beyond basic maintenance. The breaker is rated for 6A continuous, it should open in 8-12 seconds at 14A.
Ah alright. Just was curious.