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When I was cleaning the dried out foam from this sound board, I took the red speaker wires off to swap tender floors and did not mark the "end" on one of the connecting prongs with tape. (I did so on the other wire so that side is OK.)  Is there a wiring diagram that shows the right position for the one closest to the edge (side) that has the part # on it. (10223).  I "think" that the only bare prong was next to a bright blue resistor(?). I used a magnifying glass and am pretty sure there is no other bare prong on that (right) side. I don't know which loco it is from as I bought the tender separately. (Marked PRR, #8141T-10). I hope to use it on a 1501 Northern.  (I read yesterday that even though the connectors match, sometimes they "don't.") I'll be running the combo in conventional mode anyway, but don't wish to ruin anything unnecessarily. I think I have gone back over my text so that it makes sense. As always, any help is gratefully appreciated. Happy Thanksgiving to all. 

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