The United States and just about every burg on the planet has been put through a severe test as a result of the Corona mess not seen since the Spanish flu which took many lives along with WWI some one hundred years ago. Though dubbed Spanish flu, according to a 2019 UK produced doc I recently watched on TV actually got it's start in Kansas first exposing American troops on board the vessels that were transporting them to England to assist the British in defeating Germany. The flu quickly spread throughout Europe taking many more lives as were the terrible man made killing machines of war continued to do.
Fast forward to 2020 and now. Many men women and children alike have been placed under heavy amounts of stress due to curfews and total lockdowns thus pushing many humans close to total nervous breakdowns, and sadly, many to their deaths as well. It's times such as what we are currently experiencing when we must search our souls, pray for one other, as well as our loved ones, family and friend alike, and do our utmost best to find as much humor as we possibly can which will surely help us once again return back to the carefree happy times we so vividly remember just some short twelve months ago.
In my case, these past few days your contribution to the O Gauge Railroading Forum has really made my day. Your veggie garden, as well as the videos on your YouTube channel, and the ads posted in your subway have helped me find my humor again. At least they did until I attempted to view the Pennsylvania Railroad Safety First poster with the notice to passengers to "please stand behind the yellow line". Well, the fact that the platform wasn't wide enough for me to get a really good look, I stepped back a tad and WHAM! fell off onto the tracks below landing flat on my back just as a subway train was fast approaching the station stop.
Now you might think that I was looking Grim Reaper straight in his face. On the contrary. As a model railroader, I got my first real close up view of the underside of the subway cars, which will aid me in super detailing the cars just as the rats see them while they are busy peforming their God given rights which is attempting to survive another day underground on the line where the train 123 to Pelham runs.
By the way, I have notified my Shyster Lawyer. You'll be hearing from him soon!
LOL LOL LOL oh my, it never ends!
On a serious note: Brad, Corona is for real. PLEASE protect yourself and your family when in public.
Joe Toth Jr.