I got inspired yesterday, and decided to see how long a train I could make on my layout and take advantage of the multi-engine DCS command (aka "lashup" on the remote screen). I also fired up some new video software, and recently bought a new video camera. So I used them all.
When I wonder why I paid all that money for an MTH engine, a session like this always makes me smile and the regrets dissolve. I had an F7 ABA on the head end, an AC4400 in the middle, and the FM trainmaster on the end with 53 other cars. There was only a car length or two between the trainmaster and the F7's. I distributed the weight of the cars throughout the consist, hoping that the 054 curves wouldn't dump them because of the stress on the couplers.
What a sight! All three engines ran totally in sync, and hitting the whistle button caused all three horns to chime in unison, and the same with the bells. Here's the video I took. I thought you might enjoy watching it. Thank you, MTH, for your ingenious inventions that took O gauge railroading to new heights for me. (Also applaud Lionel's contributions.)