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Turn off protocast mode.

In the APP:

Protocast To activate this feature, you must first connect an audio source to the DCS system.

1. Plug a male-to-male mini cable (1/8” plug, like that used for the headset with a portable CD/ tape player or M.T.H. Item No. 50-1009) first into the Proto-Cast port of the TIU, then plug the other end of the cable into your audio source’s headphone jack or line-out jack.

2. Play the recording according to the audio source’s instructions.

3. Press the “PROTOCAST” button to play the recording through your engine. When the Proto-Cast feature is enabled, your regular engine sounds are silenced so that the recording may be heard clearly. A (C) appears on the LCD to indicate that Proto-Cast is in use. 4. Press the button again to stop the feature and return to normal engine sounds. You can use Proto-Cast in only one engine at a time (the active engineat the time the feature is selected). Because Proto-Cast uses a large share of the microprocessor’s processing power in the TIU, activating other features while running with Proto-Cast may cause interruptions in the audio.

DCS TIP: Because Proto-Cast sends such a large digital signal on the track, it is important that your track be clean when you run this feature. If you get popping and distortion while running Proto-Cast, please clean your track. The large digital signal also means that playing the audio source too loudly can result in sound distortions; resolve this by turning down the audio source volume.

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Last edited by Lou1985

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