Well I for one can tell you the older style toilets stunk,and not just figuratively speaking, but for real !
I'm not sure what the older style Southern pre-NS were,but the ones I experienced in 1991 were a fiberglass urinal with a wash basin that always had the nastiest water to wash your hands with.And a dummy toilet to drape a sanitary bag over.You then would place the bag in a bucket for removal at the nearest terminal with mechanical forces.
In the summer they smelled like a poorly serviced Johnny-on-the-spot,and in the winter time they froze up and smelled like a poorly serviced Johnny-on-the-spot
Now the pump toilets when they are serviced right ,smell o.k.,but they really get foul when their not.
And same with the vacuum toilets,but they are more convenient.
And Oh by the way,the sanitary bags usually never made it far enough to be properly disposed of ,and that's what eventually spelled the doom for that method .