Originally Posted by jrmertz:
Stan - have you ever used those servo testers?
That's my thumb in the video.
If I understand correctly, I would just need apply power to the tester and that would tell the servo to move? Do they remember there last setting between cycling power? IE: if it is set to wiper mode, and I cut power, will it be back in wiper mode when power is re-established.
I just tried it. Unfortunately it always goes to the Manual mode when you initially apply power. It then takes 2 button presses to go into Windshield Wiper mode. So for a layout accessory you'd need to cobble together some widget that generates 2 pulses to simulate those button presses. Such a circuit is not difficult to make (maybe $1 in parts) but would require soldering, component assembly, etc. which sort of defeats the purpose. That is, minds as well build a Windshield Wiper servo driver yourself that only operates in Wiper mode.
And, yes, I did open it up to look at their circuit. I concluded it uses a microcontroller chip so it's not something that can be readily modified to, say, force it into Wiper Mode on power up. Actually I was looking under-the-hood to see if there was an easy way to modify the wiper rate but same stonewall applies.