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Here are pictures of an otherwise unused corner of my rectangular layout:

Prior layout:

Layout corner large layout 2

I liked the park scene so much that when I took down this layout a few years ago, I saved the corner and inserted it into my current, smaller layout also in a prominent spot:

Layout Corner

Let's see your otherwise unused layout corners and how you made good use of them!


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  • Layout corner large layout 2
  • Layout Corner
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I had to come up with several corner vignettes:


This odd area sits above a book case in my train room.  A Walthers (now Atlas O) oil pump fits in nicely.  Couldn't help but add a trash dump.


Found this Ertl material handler at a local store.  I had to find a place to use it and this spot was empty.


Every layout needs an oil distributor.


Another find from a vacation we took.  It sat in its box for years until I built this coal yard.


I made this field from a piece of corrugated cardboard.  It fits well with my rural area.



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Last edited by Tom Densel

I filled an available corner of the 15x19 L-shaped layout with an attraction inspired by my great-grandson's interest in dinosaurs. The area has a Dinosaur Park with beasts, keepers, and onlookers; also a corral in the corner for juvenile dinosaurs, their keepers, and onlookers.  A nearby siding is provided for a Lionel Dinosaur train with dinosaurs and dino eggs on aboard - "for transportation to their summer feeding grounds" according to Matthew, now age 8.

Mike Mottler   LCCA 12394


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  • Dino Pk Overview

stangtrain - An excellent topic.

Corners present an opportunity to create scenes on a model railroad. The best scenes on my layouts are in the corners. First four photographs show the corners of my 10’-by-5’ layout with O-54 curves. Next four show the corners of my 12’-by-8’ layout with O-72 curves. An observation – the larger the curve radius in a corner, the more area in the corner…




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  • MELGAR_2022_0903_31_SW_CORNER_10X5
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This elevated plateau and mountain cover the entire east end of my layout.  On the northeast corner  of the plateau, I created a logging camp using a Plasticville log cabin that I bought used.   I've also used a photo background as a backdrop.  The elevated plateau supports the single track Mountain Division which runs through the mountain.  On the southwestern corner I installed my Lionel blinking aircraft beacon light.   The mountain actually covers the two lower level mainlines which are 054 ( outer loop ) and 042 ( inner loop ) and hides the overt overhang of my scale GG1, scale steamers, and scale passenger cars.   With the west end of the layout I've done a similar thing of covering the entire end of the layout with an elevated city scene. The trains disappear under the city on a 042 curve which hides the overhang of the aforementioned locos and passenger cars.  Pics of west end to come later.   9735AAA3-76A3-4858-8790-B836FB2018E0_1_201_a6ADFFE0E-73D8-4122-9DAE-816DC77F9EB2


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The scrap yard has been a great corner filler for many years. What you see behind the scrap yard is a mirror reflection.


The rear corner opposite the scrap yard is taken up by a grouping of smaller size skyscrapers and is a great backdrop for photographing trains leaving Union Station in the great city of Christopolis.

Leaving the City

Another corner in the Christopolis city scene is occupied by a city road that dead ends into a mirror as do the buildings along the road and the zoo. The use of mirrors can give the effect of doubling your layout size.



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  • Leaving the City
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In following up on my previous post:  Here is the northwest corner of the lower level of my layout.  I've created a MOW scene.  I've used a several pieces of track,  protruding from the tunnel portal,  representing a spur that has been overtaken by brush.  In this scene track workers are clearing the overgrowth from the spur.  This scene is the interior of the next picture which gives the exterior overall view of the corner.  89C64C44-FC6C-48F2-BF4D-5A0E45BCB4DE_1_201_a

Exterior shot of northwest corner of layout and the corner of the elevated Westend neighborhood.  I used a large rock on which I have an Artista figure playing a guitar ( he's my rock guitar player .. lol! ).  I also used a variety of fence ... some wrought iron fence from Dept 56, an insert from a pack of new socks is to the left of the wrought iron fence, and to the left of that is the beginning of a makeshift fence made from Gargraves cross ties.  I would see this kinds of hodgepodge fence work alongside railroad tracks throughout my travels.  C4573175-3E3D-422F-B1CC-0BC54E73BDEC

The northwest corner of the Mountain Division.   Here is where a siding ends and the mainline of the Mountain Division makes a hard O42 curve. 101B2460-6BF7-4C98-ACC1-9DD968A112FC

Another view of the same area as above.700E0C7D-4FF5-4B86-A1FB-4E7AD3A162FC_1_201_a

A broader view of the northwest corner of Mountain Division.  I use real stones and rocks. 16641AC6-FA81-4369-BF43-8D9E15B72D66


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Last edited by trumpettrain
@Mannyrock posted:


Please stop posting these most excellent scenery pictures.

(They make be wanna take a sledgehammer to my layout!)


Manny -  Thank you for the compliment!   I was hoping that in some small way my photos would be inspirational not expirational. LOL!!  Please don't take a sledgehammer to your layout!   I'm sure your layout looks terrific!!  

A nifty place for the Lucky Silver Mine, Shaft #1:


Then, there's the Water Tank/Sand House at Marmaros:


A rough farm road leads off-layout but connects to the vehicle access for the Notch Junction Tower (and also occasionally provides an escape route for errant horses).  In the background, Marmaros Tower (MT) commands the switch joining the town/mine loop with the hill line leading down to Notch:


Then, of course, there is the Notch Junction Tower (NO) protecting the Notch yard lead:



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Last edited by palallin

DSCN5045 Corner dairyDSCN5046 Corner dairy

Southeast corner. DPM models.  Sprues for piping, Plastic pint bottles extended with cardstock for tanks.



Northeast corner.  Bear in pup tent. Sedam trees.  Billboard from soft drink 24 bottle carton


Northwest corner. Far left Menard's Hotel, Pioneer Valley scale size hotel, building with horizontal windows scratch built using thin plywood and dental trim. Storage building with one curved side and REA Transfer Building are scratch built using foam core and 'building' behind the free standing water tower is a flat.  'Water tank' is a painted mustard jar atop a metal frame. John


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  • DSCN5045 Corner dairy
  • DSCN5046 Corner dairy
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  • DSCN5051  REA corner
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Last edited by rattler21

Well, a bit of a cheat. since basically I *covered* two corners of the layout when I built the tunnel across one side of the layout (the actual corner, the floor of the tunnel, I just coated with rock dust), but I did add a cell tower on one end, and a picnic area/farmers market on the other:

The other corners are currently rather barren:

There's not a lot of room, especially with the rounded corner, but perhaps some of the other responses will spur some creativity!


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