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Mine arrived, too.  It is a nice little model for the money, definitely a bargain.  


It is 1:50 scale, and I really didn't think that through.  It is too small to convert to 'Streets without a lot of effort, so I'm going to pass on doing so.  As you can see in the photos it is not so short that you could not fit a chassis to it but it is the width that makes it very difficult.  The body is narrower than the wheels of a 'streets chassis are across - they'd stick out about a 1/2 mm or more outside the fenders on both sides, and the body is also narrower than the WBB sedan chassis itself: it would take a lot of grinding of metal way on both sides of the chassis to make it fit.   It could be done, but I have too many other projects now.  Nice little van, though.




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Last edited by Lee Willis
Originally Posted by Spence:

I have to say that to me they seem closer to S scale (1:64). Like Lee showed in his photos, when I placed mine next to my UPS vans they dwarfed it. I'll post a picture of it on the layout    at Menard's hardware or garden center later.

Yeah, I wondered about that myself.  They seem awfully small.  But they are worth the price.  I'll put mine on back in the distance and let forced perspective do its thing . . . 

Originally Posted by Spence:
To me it seems a little small. I'm A little disappointed.

If they are as Lee says and 1/50 scale....that's the issue. We have been fed a steady diet of 1/43 (sometimes even bigger) 'O' scale models they have become the norm.  The visual difference between 1/50 and 1/43 is easy to spot. Place a Revell 1.48 scale 1955 Ford pick up next to a 1/43 scale version and you will see. Sure wish someone would just do a line of true 1/48 American vehicles. 

I have to say that if I had to predict anything about this hobby, the last thing I would have guessed is what a bright spot Menards has been and is. From $19.00 boxcars to flatcars with army loads to new fully detailed buildings to encouraging the hobby in their stores as in days gone by. All of which seem either very affordable or reasonable in cost.

They really deserve an E for effort.

Last edited by electroliner

I picked up my Menards work van today and was disappointed that they are 1/50th scale 

and are on the small size but they do look good.

But while I was at Menards I checked to see if anything came in and now in 1/48th scale

they have these panel trucks for $6.99 so I picked up two. Now I have to decorate and find drivers for them. Menards has been doing a good job keeping me busy this year.









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Last edited by franktrain

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