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Well it looks like I am following up myself today, but hopefully others will "join on" later today.  Not exactly the heart of the Midwest but centered in Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico was the Denver and Rio Grande Western.  This is Lionel's interpretation of a some DRG trains.

First is a made up small train including the Lionel postwar #221 DGC Alco from 1963-64 and including the Lionel (MPC) #9200 Illinois Central boxcar from 1970-71 and a #9077 DRG  SP type caboose from 1976-1983 (in catalog) and 1984-1991 (uncatalogued).

Lionel 221 Alco train from rear

Next is the Lionel (MPC) # 8602 2-4-0 locomotive from the "Black River" freight set of 1976-78

Lionel BR Freight set -train

Hope everyone has a great week

Best Wishes


Last edited by Don McErlean

Well MWM fans given our new expanded version of the "MidWest" here are a few of my examples that I suspect might qualify.

Well Illinois is certainly "mid-west" so here is a Lionel boxcar from the IC from the earliest days of MPC 1970-71.

Lionel IC boxcar 1

A Lionel KCS 3 dome tanker

Lionel KCS 3D tank side

A Lionel (MPC) 2-4-2 from the Nickel Plate, #8040 from 1970-71 pulling her train, including an NKP caboose from 1989-1991

Lionel NKP 2-4-2 Lionel NKP 2-4-2 train caboose

Hope you are having a Happy Labor Day holiday



Images (4)
  • Lionel IC boxcar 1
  • Lionel KCS 3D tank side
  • Lionel NKP 2-4-2
  • Lionel NKP 2-4-2 train caboose
Last edited by Don McErlean

Well MWM fans given our new expanded version of the "MidWest" here are a few of my examples that I suspect might qualify.

Well Illinois is certainly "mid-west" so here is a Lionel boxcar from the IC from the earliest days of MPC 1970-71.

Lionel IC boxcar 1

A Lionel KCS 3 dome tanker

Lionel KCS 3D tank side

A Lionel (MPC) 2-4-2 from the Nickel Plate, #8040 from 1970-71 pulling her train, including an NKP caboose from 1989-1991

Lionel NKP 2-4-2 Lionel NKP 2-4-2 train caboose

Hope you are having a Happy Labor Day holiday


Nice line up Don thanks for sharing

Hey @Tom Densel - I'm trying but I seem to be coming up short on the "mid-west" so please excuse these if they don't exactly fit.  Here is a Minneapolis and St. Louis boxcar and bay window caboose.  The boxcar has the slogan..."The Peoria Gateway"

Lionel M&SL caboose and boxcar front

Here is a PRR diesel (must be too soon after the PC merger to have been repainted) and a NKP gondola.

Lionel NKP gondola with PRR Beep

Hey I am trying!!

Best wishes



Images (2)
  • Lionel M&SL caboose and boxcar front
  • Lionel NKP gondola with PRR Beep

Hey @Tom Densel - I'm trying but I seem to be coming up short on the "mid-west" so please excuse these if they don't exactly fit.  Here is a Minneapolis and St. Louis boxcar and bay window caboose.  The boxcar has the slogan..."The Peoria Gateway"

Lionel M&SL caboose and boxcar front

Here is a PRR diesel (must be too soon after the PC merger to have been repainted) and a NKP gondola.

Lionel NKP gondola with PRR Beep

Hey I am trying!!

Best wishes


Looks good to me Don. If you go back to the beginning of this thread I started your contributing fits perfectly. M&STL is one of my favorites thanks for sharing.

Well to start off this weeks Midwest Monday, here are some Rock Island freights and loco.  The loco is a Marx GE 70 Ton from 1959-1965,  The boxcar is a Marx "deluxe" box from 1952-1959.  Yes, you are correct, the tower in the background is American Flyer, postwar and theoretically "S" gauge, but I find it works very well with my small O gauge layout.

Box Car RI

Switching back to Lionel, here is the MPC Rock Island # 9782 from 1977-1978.

Boxcar The Rock

Best wishes and here is hoping the rest of your week is both happy and healthy.



Images (2)
  • Box Car RI
  • Boxcar The Rock

Well to start off this weeks Midwest Monday, here are some Rock Island freights and loco.  The loco is a Marx GE 70 Ton from 1959-1965,  The boxcar is a Marx "deluxe" box from 1952-1959.  Yes, you are correct, the tower in the background is American Flyer, postwar and theoretically "S" gauge, but I find it works very well with my small O gauge layout.

Box Car RI

Switching back to Lionel, here is the MPC Rock Island # 9782 from 1977-1978.

Boxcar The Rock

Best wishes and here is hoping the rest of your week is both happy and healthy.


Great history and pics Don. I might have that blue “Rock” boxcar I need to post it if I do.  I hope you are doing well your still in my prayers take care.

@lee drennen-Thank you for your thoughts and prayers Lee.  I must say the Forum helps me stay balanced and the thoughts of other members are very welcome and appreciated.  All the best to you...hope your family farm is doing well, farmers in my area are suffering terribly from a prolonged drought.

All the best (Oh yea, find that boxcar Mate! )


Your Welcome Don as always. We love your post and it keeps us balanced as well. We had a drought then rain messed with the garden a bit getting ready to play some winter wheat not much. I’ll try to post here next week you take care of yourself.

Well MwMon Fans, here is one from TEXAS... now who can say that Texas is not in the "mid-west" after all it certainly is in the "West" and it most certainly is in the "middle" so it must be Mid-West right!  

Lionel 210 Texas Special Alco front quarterLionel 210 Texas Special Alco -front quarter

And just to make it more like mid-west, we need a Cattle car!  So here is one (for the Chessie System? - I didn't know that they shipped cattle )  However here in Waco we are only about 125 miles south of Ft.Worth and some of the largest stockyards in the country (maybe the world).  So Cows=Money around here!

Lionel 7401 Chessie cattle car full side 1

Best Wishes everyone.  Hope your week is going well and please keep safe and healthy



Images (3)
  • Lionel 210 Texas Special Alco front quarter
  • Lionel 210 Texas Special Alco -front quarter
  • Lionel 7401 Chessie cattle car full side 1
@Tom Densel posted:

Good afternoon MwM fans!

Since I model the Penn Central, I thought it would be appropriate to share a picture of a not too uncommon event:


I'm not sure how this happened.  All I know is that the train was running smoothly then I heard the wheels on the ties.  Only two cars were involved and there were no injuries.

Have a great week!


Ouch! I had that happen about two years ago with some UP boxcars. Thanks for sharing.

Well hello MwMon fans, here we are in the start of both a new week and a new Month!!  I normally have a bit of a problem finding things that match the subject of this thread.  I just don't seem to have many "mid-west" RR items in my collection.  However @Tom Densel has commented that "the mid-west is wherever we say it is!!" so thanks Tom and I am going with that.  Today, also as Tom has posted, I have found a piece of PC rolling stock.  This is a little Marx 8 wheel caboose from 1973.   Marx in 1973 (like Lionel in 1969 with General Mills) had sold out to Quaker Oats co but they were still using the original Marx molds and the name.   Unfortunately, unlike MPC, Quaker never really go the "hang" of making trains and by 1975 were pretty much out of the train market.  

So, long story but it leads me up to this 1973 PC Marx #18326 caboose.  Now Marx, always looking to save money, used the #18326 on at least 5 different cabooses (same car mold but different colors) and this white PC with no horizontal black stripes under the RR logo is a little unique and somewhat more difficult to find.  Note: the tiny "dots" that appear to be inside the PC logo are not removable (i.e. not dirt) they appear to be some sort of artifact of the molding process and they are on both sides in precisely the same location.   I have no idea how they got there.

Marx #18326 PC white caboose

So there is my Marx PC caboose, 8 wheel type G trucks and "pickle fork" automatic couplers from 1973, 50 years old this year.

Best Wishes



Images (1)
  • Marx #18326 PC white caboose

Note: the tiny "dots" that appear to be inside the PC logo are not removable (i.e. not dirt) they appear to be some sort of artifact of the molding process and they are on both sides in precisely the same location.   I have no idea how they got there.

Marx #18326 PC white caboose

Those appear to be the rivet detail.  Just accentuated by the logo printing process skipping around them.  Near perfect circles tho! Neat little model.

MwM fans, we are a little light on posting this week so I hope we can encourage some of you to come I have the Monon RR also known as the Chicago, Indianapolis, and Louisville Railway.  The entire railroad was almost all contained in the state of Indiana.  It lasted from 1897 to 1971 when it was merged into the L&N.  So since it was almost all contained in the state of Indiana, I have selected it for my "midwest" posting this week.

This is the Marx Monon FM ABA locomotive  from 1955-1956 and 1958-1959 for the AA units but only 1958-1959 for the B unit.

Marx Monon FM ABA side viewMarx Monon FM ABA front quarter

Best Wishes everyone



Images (2)
  • Marx Monon FM ABA side view
  • Marx Monon FM ABA front quarter

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