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When you wish to maintain critical areas of a train engine it becomes very difficult without the right lubrication equipment. A needle oiler is an invaluable tool and I regularly use it to oil all the wheel bearings but something that seems hard to do is getting grease into the grease ports (as on the larger/scale locos). How are you guys doing it?  Is a micro grease gun available anywhere?  

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   Right with ya buddy, the only way to fly!  Works like a million bucks on my Tin Plate Trains.  Just do not over do it, a little Red goes a long long way.


Red & Tacky #2 from Tractor Supply

Plastic Syringes, curved tip type, from Amazon

Less than $10.00 total, investment for years of non squeeky free running trains.



Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

I use a baby medicine syringe that can be found at any local pharmacy. I use a plastic knife fill the syringe with grease.


These are large enough to get the easily grease in and out of and the outlet is small enough to fit into most gearbox grease ports. 




I also grabbed some plastic tips from a craft store i.e. hobby lobby to further reduce the opening on a second syringe that I use for smoke fluid. They sell these syringes too, mine were actually extras from the pharmacy from when my kids were little.


Last edited by RickO


@ Dennis LaGrua,


You're doing it right.  On the mini grease gun you already have it in your hands.  Main thing you always want to make sure of and even if all your gears are mental, is to make sure your oil and grease are 'plastic compatible'.


It's even more critical in the smaller scales, but even in O if there is any fly off and any plastic parts it will be safe.

And from an old commercial back in the day 'a little dab will do ya'.

Better to have too little then too much.


   The 2nd gun you listed (UK) is definitly nice, how would you put the Red & Tacky #2 into the container however, without using another syringe of some kind.  The gun, with it's long nose really looks like a good idea however, if Red & Tacky #2 came in the container for the gun.  Still reloading the container once ever 10 years might not be a bad idea if the gun works real well.


Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
I bought these also. Now I have a syringe at the workbench and in my travel tool kit. Price was right.
Originally Posted by rtr12:

Someone recently posted these Syringe Assortment and I ordered some. Pretty nice, assorted sizes and tips for different applications. Might order another set, my wife confiscated several of the ones I just received for her craft glues and stuff.


Originally Posted by Steve "Papa" Eastman:
I bought these also. Now I have a syringe at the workbench and in my travel tool kit. Price was right.
Originally Posted by rtr12:

Someone recently posted these Syringe Assortment and I ordered some. Pretty nice, assorted sizes and tips for different applications. Might order another set, my wife confiscated several of the ones I just received for her craft glues and stuff.


Yes, good price and 'Free Shipping' and they arrive in just a coupe days!

Originally Posted by pennsyk4:


I have a lot of those curved syringes.

Can mail you one.


My e-mail address is located in profile.

Charlie: Thanks for the kind gesture but I just realized that I had several syringes that I used to refill printer ink cartridges. Didn't realize that grease could flow through those small nozzles. BTW, what kind of grease is everyone using these days. Have loads of 60's Lionel grease tubes. While that stuff still flows and is soft, the lubrication properties may be old by todays standards. I wonder if chain saw bar moly grease would work.

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