When I saw that Lionel was going to offer a model of the ACL #1504 which had sit on display in Jacksonville, FL, I decided I had to have one, at least as a shelf queen. I ordered one from Mr. Muffins and it arrived Monday around noon.
I unpacked it to gaze on that beauty that I had seen for years. The manual said that the minimum diameter for proper operation was O54 track. My Christmas layout had been upgraded to O42 Ross track three years ago (with no switches.) I placed #1504 on the track and powered her up. I slowly eased her into the O42 curve of my Christmas oval. She crept around the curve as pretty as she pleased. What a sight!!
I don't know if there is any structural stress negotiating O42 curves, or not, but she runs fine for now.
Here is a pic of ACL #1504 before she was moved to south Florida to be prepared for service: