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I exhibit in the Orange Hall and April 2019 will be my 7th TCA show. I was originally placed in DD-11 as a 10' booth- a great location because all I have ever needed to say is that I am across the aisle from Angela Trotta-Thomas. My exhibit space has gradually increased from 10' to 15' to 20'. Would you still be able to find me if I moved over one aisle to EE, but had exposure on the main aisle end? The move would also help out another vendor who would like to go from 20' to 30', and the DD aisle makes it possible. Please let me know your pros and cons.

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I’m sure I’ll be able to find you, so no problem for me. And I suspect it will be easy enough for anyone else who’s been a prior customer to find your new location - especially with the ‘end cap’ location. Besides, the new exposure can’t hurt with attracting new customers. So I’d say ‘go for it’.
BTW, because you’re helping out another vendor, perhaps they will post a sign in your old location that points to your new location. 

Can’t speak for anyone else (and I’ve only been to York 3 times), but a day or so before I go, I print off the Orange Hall map and highlight the locations for vendors I don’t want to miss. Still do a lot of aimless wandering, but my map makes sure I see who I really want to. So, as long as you’re on the map, I will find you.

Last edited by Apples55

Hey Doug,  I don't see a problem whatsoever.........this is based on the fact that I bet most folks attending York either read the "vendor location  map" for the halls, or we would eventually come upon you by simply cruising up and down the aisles.   And a Hall captain, probably would either know or direct someone to the York vendor map!

Jim M Sr posted:

When Vince’s Trains moved from mid aisle to end, business increased many times.  Do it!

I sure do miss visiting Vince’s booth at York. Most times for me it was the “Vince Meet” rather than the York Meet!

Why he’d rather be visiting Italy instead of coming to York to see all of our handsome faces is beyond me.   

Last edited by Traindiesel
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