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As I was waiting for this to arrive. I was researching wich battery it had  so I could order a new one. It arrived with the green 8.4 wirh the 9v connector. Texted my buddy and he said that it's a 5v board. So I fixed up a super capacitor. I may solder the cap directly to the wires so I'll have 2 connectors for something else20250311_16240017417292493423417235771839195441


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You do realize that the charging circuit is going to put around 10 VDC on that capacitor, right?  I can't tell what you have with all that sticky electrical tape on it, but it looks like one 5V supercap, that's going to croak within minutes!

Here's what I put into supercaps for the 5V board.  The two caps are in series giving me a 10V rating.


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  • mceclip0

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