Morning ladies and gentlemen:
I won two (2) Z-750 controllers and the associated MTH 24V AC transformer "bricks" in a recent Cabin Fever Auction, and they arrived last Thursday afternoon. Excellent international shipping time (7 days from the US to damage), but the cost through UPS to get them here is another story for another day!!!
Put them on the work bench to test them....plugged the transformers into my 110V power source (you yanks are a pretty timid lot, we run 240V here in Australia that will kill you in a heart beat!!).
The red LED came on (idiot light) to tell me the Z-750 was powered, and I placed my multimeter on the + and - terminals at the back, to see what power they were putting out. They went from zero to the full 24V in one slight turn of the throttle......nothing in between!!! Yep, they are either full on, or full off.
This would be great if they were powering "accessories", or track power for the DCS I don't have!! I just want to use them to run my early PS1 loco's. Pulled them apart to inspect the boards, and nothing looks out of place....but what would I know!!!
What has gone wrong??? They are both the same.....both Z-750 controllers react in the same or full on 24V....nothing in between!!!
To my simple mind, I think the problem is in the voltage "pot", as it can still cut the power when in the off position, but does not gradually regulate the supply of power evenly up to the max 24V limit.
Can they be repaired???? and better still, can I repair them???
Looking for HELP, GUIDANCE, and INSPIRATION yet again from my knowledgeable Forum gurus!!!
Peter....Buco Australia.