If this is the wrong forum, please re-direct.
My recently departed Mother-in-law, had a bunch of 35mm slides in the attic.
While we were going through them, we discovered the train set my wife had as a child.
Looks like a Lionel prewar 224 and associated cars.
But the real puzzle is the green and cream trolley under the tree.
I have searched Lionel, Marx and Ives resources but can't get a handle on who made it?
My Father-in-law stated in the past that it may have been an IVES trolley.
Looking at the 3-rail track circling the tree, it appears that it may be the banked IVES track that was made for the purpose of assisting the non-derailment of clockwork trains.
That's all the information I have at this point.
We scanned the slide at hi-res, unfortunately the original slide was not in real sharp focus.