There are a few excellent pictures in this now-closed thread on Subway Signals:
Such as this:
And This:
My questions for this excellent modeler and others are:
- What is the exact spacing of the vertical girders on the subway platform? I.e., how many feet are between them in 1:1 or how many inches in that 1:48 setting? In the first pic above, I'm asking about the gray colored ones, not the green one in the foreground.
- What is the spacing of the vertical girders on the subway tunnels? Same question: how many feet are between them in 1:1 or how many inches in that 1:48 setting? In the second pic above, I'm asking about the ones with the trusses placed at a 45 degree angle at the top.
I'm building a subway tunnel that will be partially visible to the viewer and I think those models are first rate.
Any pictures would be great too!
Thanks in advance.
Steven J. Serenska