Consider a long train of coal hoppers heading up a 2% grade at 25 mph with no curves and no wind. There are 4 head-end diesels, 3 mid-train helpers, and 2 pushers. All diesels have the same horsepower. It's probably not very well-known, but the fact is that there are 2 'neutral points' in the train, which I define as follows: A neutral point is a location in the train where the [longitudinal] force felt by the cars is exactly zero....On one side of such a point the force is tensile, while on the other side it is compressive. On rare occasions, the neutral point is exactly where 2 couplers are joined. Under these conditions, it is theoretically possible to open the couplers owing to the lack of stress at the joint. There are then 3 independent trains that just happen to be touching each other. The pusher engines are doing just that: pushing, with all cars feeling a compressive stress which is a maximum at the last train car, and decreases to 0 at the first [rear] neutral point. The middle helpers are pulling the rest of their 'trailing' train, with all cars feeling tension, increasing from 0 at the rear to a max at the engine's rear coupler. The engine's front coupler, on the other hand, is pushing, with a maximum compressive force at the 1st car; decreasing to 0 at the other neutral point. Finally we come to the head engines, which are pulling; the tensile force being 0 at the left end of its train, increasing to a max at the engine's rear coupler.
These 2 points can be determined by realizing that the total load for each engine is proportional to the engine's tractive effort, which itself is proportional to its horsepower. OK; the physics is done. The rest is algebra. All that needs to be given are the weights of each engine, as well as that of each car...which we assume is a given constant. As well, of course, as the Hp supplied by each group of engines. TE(tractive effort) = Hp/S, where S is the train’s speed.
If these assertions are sufficiently interesting to this audience, I just might be willing to complete the analysis.
IT IS DONE! See below.
Tf, Tm, Tr: Tractive Efforts (TE = Hp/speed) of front, middle, and rear engines
Wf, Wm, Wr: Weight of front, middle, and rear engines [For simplicity, the engines are assumed to have 0 length; the train is pulling VERY many cars.]
Lf, Lr: Length of front, rear trains
mg: weight per unit length of each coal car
phi: slope of the terrain, radians
Xf, Xr: These are the locations of the 2 neutral points: distance from rear of rear(trailing) train
Below, please interpret “lifting” to mean “moving up the hill”…..NOT lifting VERTICALLY!
Results of the analysis:
1. Xr = [Tr/sin(phi) - Wr]/mg,
2. Xf = (Lr + Lf) +[Wf - Tf/sin(phi)]/mg
3. Xf = [(Tr + Tm)/sin(phi) - (Wr + Wm)]/mg. Yes; both 2 and 3 apply. Equating 2 and 3 yields
[Tr + Tm + Tf]/sin(phi) = Wr + Wm + Wf + (Lr + Lf)mg, which is the force balance on the entire train.
Bounds on Xf and Xr: (1) 0<=Xr<=Lr and (2) Lr<=Xf<=Lf + Lr; where <= means less than or equal to.
From 1 and (1): 0 <=Tr/sin(phi) - Wr, and from 1 and (2): Tr/sin(phi) - Wr <= mgLr. In words: The pusher engine must be able to lift its own weight, but must NOT be large enuff to push the mid-train helper.
Again; from 2 and (2), Lr <= (Lr + Lf) + (Wf - Tf/sin(phi))/mg <= Lr + Lf; i.e.,
Tf/sin(phi) <= Wf +mgLf and Tf/sin(phi) >= Wf. In words: The lead engine must be able to lift its own weight but NOT more than its weight + the entire front train.
Finally, from (2) and 3, Lr <= [(Tr + Tm)/sin(phi) - (Wr + Wm)]/mg <= (Lr + Lf); i.e.,
(Tr + Tm)/sin(phi} <= (Wr + Wm) + (Lr + Lf)mg and (Tr + Tm)/sin(phi) >= (Wr + Wm) + mgLr. In words: The pusher + the mid-train helpers must be able to lift both of their own weights + the weight of the rear train but NOT more than their weights + the weight of the whole train. [Else the front engine is not needed.]
P.S. I leave it to the reader to obtain various special or limiting cases; e.g., set Tm and Wm = 0, to obtain the case of just 2 engines: lead + pusher.