Below is a copy of an email I sent to Dennis Zander. if anyone knows what is going on please tell me.
New issue - isn't there always!
The three switch motors work fine on the ross 4-way. I just hooked up the non-derail wires. WRT all four directions on the two forward switch motors, the non-derail sometimes works/ sometimes does not. When it does it is real slow. I have tried a boxcar/ loco / and a shorting wire on the insulated track. The motor wants to turn but does not have the "ummph".
The DZ-1000s are powered by the second lever on a Z-4000 transformer. I ran the voltage between 12 and 19 volts with the same effect. Ground for the switch motors (Z-4000 transformer) is connected to a 'common' ground that includes both sides of the Z-4000 and two Lionel 180 watt power bricks (different track power blocks) all being for track power.
Wiring scheme for a typical post on a switch say the R is:
1 - R connected to a terminal strip.
2 - Non derail wire is connected to the terminal strip
3- The terminal strip is connected to the SPDT momentary toggle switch. Ground for the SPDT is connected to a terminal strip that goes to the Z-4000 transformer ground.
4 - AC is connected to a terminal strip that goes to the Z-4000.
One more weird effect - the insulated rail is supposed to be insulated - no connect. With a switch motor in one position it is - ie no voltage when a voltmeter is connected from the middle track rail (track power) to the insulated rail. But with the Z-1000 motor moved to the opposite position I get track voltage on the insulated rail. This is true for both Z-1000 motors. The insulated rails are on Gargraves track and there are plastic pins on both ends.