I just purchased the new plug n play command culvert loader and unloader. Found out they needed the 8 inch female pnp adaptor wire to hook up to my 18v accessory tap on my layout. I could have used the fastrack accessory plug n play track, but did not want too. Sure wish this pnp wire was included with each accessory for those wanting to wire these up old school. This hook up method is nice though if they need to be removed from the layout they just unplug from the 8 inch pnp connector wire.
Now on to the biggest dispointment. I watch the mike regean service video on these before ordering and am glad I did. So when I finnally got them and the 8 inch femal plug n play wires to hook them both up I put them on my test bench to try them out and adjust them per the advice given by mike in the video. Got them both programed to tmcc ID's and went to try them both out. The unloader has an IR sensor and beam issue and the loader had a faulty cherry switch. I am replacing the cherry switch on the loader myself it is easy enough to do. The unloader though is a different matter. The IR beam problem has me stumped. Even with the room lights off as these can be affected by ambiant room light it still would not function as it should. Maybe a bad IR sensor or maybe a bad pcb board. Anyway this one is going back to lionel. Dont get me wrong I still like these two accessories and cant wait to get them functioning properly. Just wish they did not have these issues right out of the box.
I have also gotten one of the new sawmills. I got the one with the sawmill blade, the one released just prior to the one with sounds. It had issuses also out of the box. I was able to fix it myself also. Now it works fine.
I just love accessories, but getting most lionel accessories to work reliably every time at first is a real pain. I have several operating lionel Accessories and it seams all of them at one time or another needed fixing or tweeking.
My question is how many of you like operating accessories and have them on your layouts? Also how many here have had problems with them new out of the box? How many of you avoid operating accessories just for these reasons? I am curious to know what you guys think on this topic.