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West Chicago (IL) is the crossroads of the north-south Canadian National (former EJ&E) and the east-west Union Pacific (former C&NW). A tremendous amount of traffic, much of which is international in nature (containers), as both railroads serve a number of major west coast ports. Additionally, piggyback trailers, coal, oil, chemicals, auto parts, scrap metal, logs, manufactured goods, and any number of loadings which don't come immediately to mind, are to be seen. Something like 100+ trains a day pound the diamonds.  The sound of 1000's of steel wheels pounding the diamonds is comparable to a fierce WWI battle scene. One wonders, "How can the residents of the near-by homes stand this onslaught of sound?"

Eventually, the crossing diamonds must be replaced. That time has come, now.  See the photos of new diamonds, guard rails and heavy steel plate which underlie the diamonds.  The rail is marked "136", so presume 136 pound/yard rail is employed.

A small Yorkshire Terrier dropped by to observe the goings-on.


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Last edited by mark s
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