I am about to upgrade my layout from 2004 to 2016, and as part of that I am upgrading my power from a mix of ZW's and Z 4000's to 2 new ZW-L's. I currently have 3 TIUs one from when they first came out and the other two from 2004. The original one will be replaced with a revision L TIU last fall in anticipation of upgrade. I am also contemplating the DCS wi-fi. I have some questions:
While I think the other two TIUs work "ok" - is there any upside to replacing them?
What is required to hook up the DCS wi-fi and the TIU? I think if i keep the old TIUs there is a separate cable (RS-232) I need to buy?
Does DCS wi-fi do anything to improve signal quality?
If I understood it correctly I need 1 DCS wi-fi per TIU, is that correct?
Any issues with using LCS with this as well?
As I upgrade to 2016 are there any epiphanies related to wiring that you would say "You must do this." Too often I was getting the "check track" message, and as part of the upgrade we are re-wiring the entire layout.
I have purchased the 3rd edition of the DCS Bible.