One of the last vestiges of the original New York Central's electrification, the massive Glenwood Power Station, in Yonkers, NY is still standing and should be for some time to come. The facility is located right along the Hudson Division of today's Metro-North Railroad. If I remember my history correctly, after it was no longer needed to supply power for the railroad or its successors, it was sold to Consolidated Edison (Con Ed) and at some point later, I believe the City of Yonkers was offered the plant for $1, but turned it down.
For many years, the power station has stood abandoned. Many consider it an eyesore and there has been at least another plan over the past few years (I seem to recall an idea to turn it into some weird looking art gallery), that never materialized.
Today, Yonkers announced plans to give it a ninth life, between the Yonkers and New York State. I think most of us would like railroad history to be preserved, so hopefully this will work out. This is the plan:
(Turning it)"...into a cultural destination and performance space for members of the Yonkers community and an international tourist destination. During this second phase of redevelopment, The Goren Group will continue to focus resources on infrastructure improvements, rehabilitating the buildings on site to include the largest and most majestic of the three buildings, Turbine Hall."