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Can someone tell me what the difference is between these 2 sets of NYC passenger cars?

6-25713 and 6-15521

I already have the 2 car set   6-25718 and I am looking for something to go with it.  I realize that the 6-15521  was made at an earlier time but is there anything else significantly different?  IE color, lighting  etc. I would purchase the 6-25713 but they don’t seem to be available .  The 6-15521 is available on Ebay but before I make the purchase I want to be sure they will match.

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With repairs, repaints, and different batches at the factory it was not unusual for a string of Pullman Green heavyweights to have different tones of color.  Paint faded, faded at different speeds.  Pullman Green cars on the T&P would change color differently than Pullman Green cars on the Monon.  John in Lansing, ILL

Last edited by rattler21

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