Now there is a question that one day will be moot to a lot of people unless they actually have a print version. I have wondered how many digital photos on cameras and phones are actually converted to a print. I have photographs of a lot of my family going back over 120 years, my sons have thousands of pics of their families, but not one printed. Guess they can paste a thumb drive into an album for future generations and hope there is a technology that will support it. I want to add in, I saw a suggestion one time and thought it was a neat idea. I bought a copy of many magazines of my interest in the month and year I was born, Model Railroader, Railroad Model Craftsman, Trains, QST, CQ, Harley's 'Enthusiast' to name a few, including ones similar to Saturday Evening Post. Sealed them up and put them in a box for the offspring's future enjoyment.