While it sounds great to purchase in volume for better pricing, I think the forum is already making one huge adjustment to the influx of sponsors here.
In theory it's great to have all these sponsors helping foot the bill for whatever OGR's digital future may become. But the flip side to that is we've now become a "gold mine" of sorts for sponsors to mine pre-orders and sales. The whole VL Big Boy nonsense was a bit over the top for my blood, and for awhile each day brought a new twist.
Trying to manage group purchases amidst all the marketing that goes on here now would be a nightmare.
A more practical thought might be to organize a group visit to a train shop by those reasonably close geographically. And if you're lucky, the train store owner might offer everyone stopping by a 10% discount... or something like that. If I'm not mistaken, the guys around Philly did that with Nicholas Smith Trains a couple of years ago. I couldn't be there for that day , but I recall that it was reasonably well attended from what was posted here. Perhaps a dozen or two dozen guys attended? And I'm sure everyone got a great deal on something that was calling their name.