Background: I have built a layout that, while does not have a dedicated subway line per se, has a track running partly underneath downtown and uptown cities and then emerges outside of cities for grade-level running. Some of the underneath city parts have viaduct and open-station construction enabling visibility to the inside line. The loop is about 12 feet long with O-54 curves. I would love to be able to dedicate a subway train to this loop - and prefer the old style cars of yesteryear (usually denoted by roof canopy roof vents - for lack of proper description - and are green or darker in color) - and program it to make 2-3 loops, stop at downtown station - make 2-3 more loops, stop at uptown station, and repeat. I noted the Q-type car set in the 2017 Vol. 1 MTH catalog - 3 car set seems nice - no figures included - should be an easy add-on. I have not kept up with past years' releases of subway sets. Are there any other old style subway cars available? I am interested in PS3.0 (so I don't have to contend with batteries) or Lionel Legacy. Has Lionel even made old-style cars? Also, is it challenging to program PS3.0 subway cars to run loops and make announcements automatically? I use DCS but find MTH's instructions and customer support lacking.