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My first job out of college was at a plant along the Conrail mainline between Allentown Pa and Oak Island NJ. Pre-Conrail, that trackage was owned by the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Conrail called it the Lehigh Line and I adopted the name. One window in the building overlooked the tracks. It was great to be able to watch trains and work at the same time.



My grandfather owned a photo book on Colorado railroads, a 1940? Kalmbach book that l poured through on visits.  I wrote a high school term paper on Colorado, and lobbied at home for several Colorado camping trips that resulted in trips on the D&RGW Silverton. Then when l got back into three rail, from HO, l found l wanted scale models that ran on three rail.  And so the handle.

My Mother is from ... and I spent weeks of my summers at my Grandparents house in ... one of the small company mining towns that fed coal to the East Broad Top RR in central Pennsylvania.

All the men in the family either worked down in the mines, or on the railroad. Or, both. I've loosely modeled the place in various layout incarnations.


Last edited by CNJ Jim

On the railroad in the mechanical department there are shop forces and yard forces. The shop forces usually consist of freight car repairmen, carpenters, painters and other misc. repair jobs. The yard forces were car inspectors and airmen (for air tests).  I worked in the shop for five years or so and over thirty five years in the yard.  We would deride each other as either "shop rats" or "yard rats" and since I started with Penn Central then Conrail and finally Norfolk Southern, I came up with that handle.  Doug

I used to hang out on the roof of my childhood prewar apartment building in Harlem.
Sometimes others used to do the same thing on adjoining buildings. Most popular in in cooler months.  As time went on I used to play electric guitar up on the roof, sunbathe, read, listen to the radio, grow gardens, It was a choice safe place where cool people would congregate.  Lots of stories up on the roof.
Listen to Laura Nyro, the Drifters, James Taylor, Carol King, many others. Cool urban song.
Most in my neighborhood knew me as Leroof pronounced  with a fake French accent.

@Serenska posted:

I am also a father of 4 daughters.  You have both my sympathy and full access to my liquor cabinet should you ever need to hunt for suitable anesthesia.

Metal-based drug therapy also works. 

I als followed the KISS- principle and used my initials. I only raised two daughters both married and I have two grandchildren and both are a handful and I don’t mean the grandchildren.  Serenska can I also have access to that cabinet?😁🍺🍺

The name calls to mind many unconnected memories of my youth.   I "inherited" a very nice bell bottom CV lantern from my Mother's side.  Although I was about 30 years too late to see the last train run through Carlisle, my mother may have watched my favored Torpedo enter town from her porch.  Once I got my driver's license, my stomping grounds encompassed much of the Cumberland Valley line between Harrisburg and Chambersburg.  Then as a college intern with the Carlisle PD I was in a car chase on a section of the CV, fortunately after the track had been removed.

This is a bit off-color so if you are easily offended don't read any further.

It's obviously my name. However certain club members have insisted over the years it's due to the fact I enjoy a different scale which is blasphemous to O-Gauge, or worse, I frequent those in the world's oldest profession.   Hint: separate the first two letters from my last name from the remaining four.    They've even been known to yell out loud to me at York, "Hey, XX-user".


My handle has been the same for quite some time and it originated from a nick name that my parents gave me many years ago. At the time I was head deep in the hobby, I guess I'm still that way, and was trying to learn everything I could about it. Because of this, and with the help of a train movie with the same title, they started calling me Train Master. Over the years the name stuck and I would use it here and there.

my forum handle is Paigetrain named after one of my favorite WWE divas Paige

yeah i was having a little crush on her back then but then she went all bad so now i've moved on to Shailene Woodley as my celebrity crush

i'm thinking maybe i should change my forum name but don't know how to

could someone help me? i want to change it to eMKayan5000C

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Mine comes from my college days.  The email system assigned the usernames for the whole university computer network.  The scheme was initials, st for (student) and then a number incremented for each user with that same combination.  I guess I was the 8th rplst.

One of our profs used to call us by our usernames since that's what he saw when we submitted our programming assignments.

Last edited by rplst8

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