Hi, does anyone have a permanent layout in their formal living room, not a dedicated train room? Trying to find some some pics on how a finished layout might be integrated into a room that is intended and decorated for a more domestic purpose
Hi, does anyone have a permanent layout in their formal living room, not a dedicated train room? Trying to find some some pics on how a finished layout might be integrated into a room that is intended and decorated for a more domestic purpose
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Have a feature on that very topic scheduled to appear in our June/July issue.
Briansilvermustang where are you ? you have been paged
I think Laidoffsick does IIRC
I know I have seen pictures of someone's layout here where the benchwork is furniture-quality. Nice decorative stained wood, etc. I have no idea whose that is.
Doug (laidoffsick) and I, built a 17'x26' multilevel layout in my wife's formal living room and dining room, with her blessing of course. Not quite finished yet, but working on it alone now as Doug moved to Abq. If you go to youtube .com, laidoffsick, there are several video's of the layout in various stages. He has the majority of the still photos with him.
The above looks great, ain't never gonna happen with wife. But while she is gone mine will double in size as of tomorrow. Nothing but two concentric ovals, and trains. Will try an post tomorrow after the set comes. Grandson will not care whether buildings or not. How about a steam vs diesel race.
Old Mike
c.sam posted:Good-looking ballast? On the carpet? You guys certainly qualify for the "Lunatic Fringe" moniker!
Suggest that you add some backdrops to tone down the harsh contrast between the wall and the bright white baseboard.
Thanks everybody!
Sam, its actually fine brown aquarium substrate. And yup, directly on the carpet. It holds extremely well and can easily vacuum around it with no problem. Kinda like the look of the of the baseboards...still makes it look like a living room. Plus...not sure if the wife would allow any backdrops.
Here are a few vids that I took some time ago:
You are a brave man, Frank.
towdog posted:I know I have seen pictures of someone's layout here where the benchwork is furniture-quality. Nice decorative stained wood, etc. I have no idea whose that is.
If I'm not mistaken there was a feature on that layout in the magazine a while back as well.
I am single and live alone. My layout is in my living room, it's L shaped along two walls. It's still open framework but I never did have any plans to finish it off beyond the normal facia and skirting.
Of coarse I see it all the time.
I was on the Den carpet for two years before 1992 when my wife deeded me the wall space only in her 15'x32' x 18' h ceiling Kitchen-Breakfast room at our Mountain Cottage in western N.C. Unfortunately the Den carpet operation pics are gone. But below are shown some of the photos illustrative of my surrender and peace treaty (no bells /whistles while Oprah was on TV in Den next door plus an enforced noise abatement "slow order" by the domestic CEO). The 30 car consist of empty coal hoppers behind my Clinchfield Challenger was a tad noisy.
OldMike posted:All I can get away with, it has doubled in size since yesterday. Wife factor.
Old Mike
Next is to have a make it L and have it turn about under each piece of furniture...
Slow grab a few inches at a time!!! That how my wife does it, 1 new animal at a time.... I think we have over 40 now.... Hmmm kind of like me and my toys err models.
Garrett76 posted:Hi, does anyone have a permanent layout in their formal living room, not a dedicated train room? Trying to find some some pics on how a finished layout might be integrated into a room that is intended and decorated for a more domestic purpose
This is a thread about a foyer. I think it's very well done.
12 monkeys posted:Garrett76 posted:Hi, does anyone have a permanent layout in their formal living room, not a dedicated train room? Trying to find some some pics on how a finished layout might be integrated into a room that is intended and decorated for a more domestic purpose
This is a thread about a foyer. I think it's very well done.
its actually in the living room now, foyer got too busy with other stuff. I'll update photos if the sun ever comes out today.
Sorry for the bad pictures, but the morning sun is brutal even with the blinds closed. Mine is not permanent, but it is unique with our pig tunnel. I like to call my RR Southern Pig Railroad (SPR). It has one siding and one loop of track. My layout decreased by 40" yesterday as I moved a chair back from a back bedroom that I had moved for Christmas. The real layout hopefully will begin late summer in the garage.
from here it heads out to the kitchen...
year round Christmas layout under the stairs...
and the upstairs layout, which I can watch trains from the couch...
12 monkeys posted:
It actually never gets stepped on. My youngest is 18, so no little ones running around. It runs the perimeter and there are crossing signs, lol, in the areas that would require stepping over the rails. When I get a chance, ill take a few better arial pics of it.
Very nice layouts, I love all. Our formal Living room layout is up each year for the Christmas season, until about February. We have a traditional Christmas layout under the Tree, I have my own Train Room/Bar, that is still under construction in our new home. It is up all year around now.
I do know this there is a hole lot of FasTrack in a lot of these layouts. Just Fantastic FT layouts.
My wife an I actually have an agreement on this issue. Except for two very nicely done pieces of railroading artwork all of my train hobby stuff is confined to my train room and connecting hallways. I am good with that.
During most of the year we have the same agreement. However during the Christmas season the Train is a major part of the formal living room.
Thanks to all who responded. Lots of clever ideas and good visual examples
here's my living room layout, its pretty low but it feels right while sitting on the couch, otherwise you'd be looking at the underside of the "benchwork." I live in an old warehouse so it doesn't feel like it has to be super finished to fit in, I still need to add hairpin legs to support the reverse loop and paint the metal brackets to match the wall. Next up is to start the second reverse loop off to the right!
Pine Creek Railroad posted:Michael,
During most of the year we have the same agreement. However during the Christmas season the Train is a major part of the formal living room.
As it should be PCR! Christmas is right smack dab in the middle of train season!
atanz posted:here's my living room layout, its pretty low but it feels right while sitting on the couch, otherwise you'd be looking at the underside of the "benchwork." I live in an old warehouse so it doesn't feel like it has to be super finished to fit in, I still need to add hairpin legs to support the reverse loop and paint the metal brackets to match the wall. Next up is to start the second reverse loop off to the right!
I have to ask, which takes priority? TV or trains?
Well he certainly has room for a much larger flatscreen,so the answer should be obvious!
I love these but my wife has seen Joe McDoakes.
ahh the TV, its been there for about 6 years now and I had to drill (5) 1/2" holes for double expanding anchors and 1/4"-20 bolts to hold that to the brick wall. maybe if i'm feeling up for it I'll move it up a couple of inches to see more trains.
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