Consider using a simple circuit that converts track volts to 5VDC. For any loco that uses AC track voltage, a basic half wave circuit with one diode, a filter cap of 100uf or so at 35V rating, and a LM 7805 regulator will give you a steady 5VDC from your track voltage of about 6VAC on up to full power. Making it half wave means you don't need a separate ground or DC return wire above chassis or common rail track potential, and the 7805 can be screwed to a metal chassis with no insulation. Several circuit diagrams are available online. There is a regulator chip that will give you 5 volts DC out from as little as 1.3VAC in, used in MTH locos, but forgot the number. If 5 VDC is too much, measure the current the device draws at normal battery volts, and use Ohms law to calculate a series dropping resistor value to reach you required volts. Ex. Your load draws 100MA at 1.5 VDC, you have 5VDC you need to drop it 3.5. R=E/I R=3.5/.1 = 35 ohms or so will give you 1.5 VDC at your load with a 5 volt source. Does not need to be exactly 35. 27, 33, and 39 are common values you could use. Just an idea, and an easy way to add LED lamps to track bumpers. All parts are available on Amazon, and you can build dozens of them for a few dollars.