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About a month ago I decided to charge the batteries on my 3 volt MTH engines using the MTH charger. I have replaced the batteries on all my earlier PS1 and PS2 8.4 volt engines with BCR's.


This was only 3 engines, the Pennsy S1 from 2003, the streamlined Pennsy K4 from 2007 and a NYC Dreyfuss Hudson from 2006. Each one was charged with the MTH charger using the charging port in the tender and was allowed to charge for 24 hours. After this I did not run any of the 3 engines.


Yesterday morning I went to run the S1 Duplex. When I went to start it, it would not cycle out of neutral. This was an indication to me that the batteries were not charged. This is a very early PS2 engine that uses standard AA 1.5 volt rechargeable batteries. I have never had any issues with the engine prior to this.


Since it had the original batteries, I replaced them with new rechargeable batteries and recharged them using the MTH charger and the charging port in the tender for 24 hours.


This morning I put the engine back on the track and it still acted like the batteries were low and would not cycle out of neutral. I am positive that the plug from the charger was secure in the charging port. I then turned off the smoke unit on the engine and allowed it charge on the track for about an hour at 12 volts. The engine then ran just fine, so evidently the batteries are OK and the charging circuit in the engine is working.


The wires leading from the charging port in the tender are intact.


I then thought maybe it could be the MTH charger is defective, but I tested the other 2 engines that I charged with it and both run just fine.


All of the engines are run conventional and not with DCS.


Any ideas to what is going on here?

Last edited by Gerry Burns
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