After a hiatus from my trains to play with other toys the polar express this year inspired me to put a train around the tree this year. That in turn led me to pick up where i left off with the ps2 upgrade i started a couple winters ago. I bought a railking blue comet to "borrow" the ps2 hardware from for my lionell Allegheny. I want the lights to turn off when the loco powers down like the factory ps2 locos do. The Rail king has no markers and the upgrade instructions for steam have you put the lights to track power, have a UP bigboy I upgraded that is that way want to go back fix that one too,. In comparing the board in a factory premier to the RK board it appears that the 8 pin connector is used as well as maybe another wire on the 4 pin. Thinking the markers could be pluged in there somewhere if I only had a pin out diagram of the board?
I imagine this has been covered at some point however a search netted me nothing so.......