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I have an MTH Premier FA-2 ABA set, 20-2332-1, which has a problem.  I am running just the master A unit on a small layout, and keeps stopping.  I am running it with DCS, on Lionel FastTrack, with four MTH RailKing Madison cars.  It starts fine, runs for a while, and then at random locations it stops, briefly shuts down, then restarts in conventional (idling).  If I hit "start-up" it will run again for a while, and then the cycle repeats.  It does this on straights and curves.


Now, on this same layout with the same cars I have also run a MTH RailKing SW-1, 30-2746-1, which runs fine.  Both engines have double rollers, and clean wheels.  The FA-2 is the older 5 Volt board, with a green 8.4 volt NiCad battery, while the SW-1 has the 3 volt board with a BCR.


I have checked the FA-2 pickups, and both sets of rollers, and the wheels are connected to each other.  There are no loose wires inside, nor any scraped off insulation on the wires inside the locomotive. 


Meanwhile on another layout I run the full ABA FA-2 set with no problems, also on DCS.  That layout uses Atlas track.


So, do any of you fellow forum readers have any ideas what might be the trouble with the FA-2?






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Thanks for the info Barry!


Something that I have had a problem with is similar but it was because I had a lighted caboose that kept shorting out at the truck assembly. It was knocking off my PS-2 engine until I decided to trouble shoot the track and train.


For what it is worth take a look at your passenger cars and see if they have the couplers or thumb releases hitting the center rail or not, as this was a problem on another post on this forum with MHT Railking cars. The post is; "Weak couplers on RK passenger cars."


Lee Fritz

Last edited by phillyreading

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