Alright PS3 experts:
I've have a sample MTH Burlington Northern E8 ABA Railking set that I do not believe ever made it to production (at least not that I can find). Got it from the MTH warehouse auction a couple years ago.
It was originally shipped with PS2, but I honestly don't recall if it was 3V or 5V version, and I don't know that it really matters at this point. I ripped out the PS2 guts back when I bought it to install in one of my other "more interesting" PS1 locos and the gutted BN Hockey Stick E units sat as shelf queens.
Now, I've got a PS32 stacker that I installed and wired up, but I'm not ready to put power to it for a couple reasons. Hoping you guys have some insight.
- I know the PS32 stackers are configured to run the PS2 incandescent headlights, however, the headlights in these units are the large-bulb "spade" type bulbs, not the smaller "grain of wheat" or "Christmas light" type incandescent lights. I don't know if this is normal for a PS2 engine, and I want to make sure that these headlights weren't intended to run off track power (since they look like a standard 12-18V AC bulb) and that it's OK to connect these to the P5V pins on the PS32 stacker (the bulbs won't draw too much current and ruin the board). Photo attached to show what I mean. I wasn't smart enough to take a photo before I pulled the old board, and the lack of a connector on the headlight base made me pause. Although the bulb is mounted in the plastic insulating base and no part of the bulb socket touches frame ground. So I *think* it goes to the headlight output on the board, right?
- Since this isn't a production model, there's no way to find a specific sound file. I installed a smoke unit (not originally on the unit) and I would like to make use of it, so I'm assuming I should download a Premier version PS3.0 Sound file so that I can use the smoke (large smoke, 2 resistors). So I am thinking I can grab the file for the Premier METRA E-8 set (especially since this is going to pull my Metra gallery cars). Example: p142_f_h9_833__wm_150707aupd-cnsmr.
Is there a problem with using a premier sound file for what was originally a Railking Model? I assume that it just means the extra light outputs are activated but since they're not wired to anything then nothing happens? Or does the PS32 card expect to see those lights, and if it activates those pinouts without a light present it could cause problems? Best I can tell, the Railking E8 sound files don't incorporate smoke. - There are two connectors on the top board of the PS32 that I don't think go to anything. Shown in image below as "1" and "2". I assume "1" is used for connecting A-unit PS3.0 slaves, and the one labeled "2" is the shunt for DCC operation that is normally on the PS3 board? So I just leave these blank?
- The trailing A unit is non-powered, but it does have a rearlight and a rear coupler. If I run this configuration without the trailing A-unit, do I have to worry about the problem with firing the rear coupler on the board without a coupler attached and blow up the card? Or does the PS32 Stacker deal with that differently?
- The speaker that's installed is an 8 ohm 3W speaker...I understand that the upgrade recommends a 4 ohm speaker. Am I correct that I can use a speaker with higher resistance (with the consequence being less volume / power) without a problem? I never turn these up anyway. As long as I don't use a LOWER resistance speaker it won't overdrive the amp. Correct?
Thanks for all your help.