I just scored a Lionel Pedestrian Walk Over, Silver in color, and need to make modifications to it.
In my layout, I only need, and have room for, one stairway at each end.
one side will go to one direction, and the other side will go the opposite direction.
This means that I need to cut off the unneeded stairways, and I am looking for any pointers. on how to go about doing this, from those of you who may have modified these in the past.
My plan, at the moment, is as follows:
1. Use my Dremel tool with a cut off disk to remove the unneeded stairways:
- A. Remove the railings right at the columns at the landings.
- B. Remove the steps up to the landing, but leaving the entire landing intact.
2. Cut out the straight sections of railing, at the landings, of the removed stairways.
3. Fit them into the open sides, of the remaining stairways.
- NOTE: Not sure that these cut outs are long enough to fill the open area between the columns.
4. Glue these pieces into place.
Any comments regarding this plan would be most welcome.
Mostly, I am curious as to what type of glue to use.
I have considered using airplane glue, but I have tried that on one of my model railroad buildings, and it did not weld the parts together as it would for the styrene parts of a model car or airplane.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions with this,