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I purchased an Aquarium Car By K-Line Item # K706-2004, Quint's Traveling Aquarium. I would like to add water as about 1/3 has disappeared. There are round, small, dimpled areas on top where I believe water was added.  The directions said not to add water because of algae and bacterial issues, but I have Kaz Humidifier Bacteriostic Treatment used for humidifiers.


My plan is to mix what the Kaz directions call for and use a syringe to inject the water into a very small drilled hole in one of the dimpled circles. A small bit of plastic may enter the container during drilling, but I don't think the fish will mind. I'm not sure how to seal the small opening at the top other than use an epoxy. I would appreciate any response Including suggestions. The Aquarium Car is unique and in especially fine shape, but I want the fish to "swim" for my grandchildren, and not be bottom feeders as they all are now.

Thank you,

Bill Berresford

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