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Thumb wheel and LCD are both replaceable parts.

Topic on that thumbwheel

The LCD you might have to buy from a seller or source on your own. There is a seller on the bay with screens that others have used and confirmed working. Direct links to that are not allowed.

MTH parts has been out of stock for some time.


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Last edited by Vernon Barry
@a1hobo posted:

I have a remote that functions but with a couple of problems. First the thumb wheel sometimes does not increase or decrease speed.

I have seen two problems that do not necessarily require replacement of the thumbwheel encoder.

#1 Scrolling too fast is just not registered- this is a limitation of the system and changing the thunbwheel may not change that.

#2 The remote firmware defaults to having quick set speed enabled. I find this distracting sometimes so I disable the function on my remotes. Basically, if you press and click the scroll wheel, the system is then expecting keypad input for a numeric speed input and ignoring the scroll wheel. Just making sure you understand this as the symptom is basically you were scrolling, you press too hard, then cannot change speed because the remote is in quick speed mode until you press again.

Unless you just "must have" a working backlight, if your screen works, I recommend just living with it rather than the cost of a replacement.

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