First of all,It is probably my shoddy track work that caused this whole problem.I have Ross Sectional Track,and have not screwed it down minus a few sections in anticipation of a change of residence which has not happened yet.
I got the engine from Tommy Z,who told me it was probably gonna need a battery very soon.
This is the first time I have ever cracked open a shell on a MTH engine,so I am a complete novice at all of this. I have been reading the operating manuals a lot ,trying to become familiar with the remote and the whole operating system.
I did a read on the battery,and it said 'low',so I ran and ran the engine for several hours,and it did not accept a charge at all. I do not have a charger to plug directly into the train,so this has been my only way of charging it back up.
I was out on the road for 3 weeks,and had not been able to run the engine at all during that time,so the battery went down on me.I thought it would charge back up from running it,but this time it went down too far I guess.
Tommy Z told me to check the same wire you are talking about Marty,I asked him if I could send it back to him,and he said"You'll never learn if I do it for you!!''
Putting it on that isolated piece of track did something,that's all I know!!
Like I said, probably because of my shoddy track work .
Thanks Again to everyone for your time and help today!!