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I would like very much to post a video of my train layout, but I seem to be having difficulty doing this. Okay, so say I take a video of my train set on my iPhone and save it to the phone. Just how do I get it from that phone to in here. I posted two pictures thus far in here, but did that by emailing myself from one device to the other. Crazy! Anyway, I feel a bit lost and frustrated and hope some of you technical wizards up in here can assist me.


Thanks and I will look forward to any assistance anyone can give.




P.S. Normally this is not that hard for me, but today, I am having a hard time getting this accomplished.

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Can you get it from your iPhone to a computer? If so, and it's less than 100MB, you can upload it as an attachment when you post to the Forum. If it's larger than 100MB, then set it up on YouTube and insert it as an on-line video clip (You click the "film" icon and insert the URL for the video).


I use my cell phone for most of my photos and videos now because it's so handy. Most of the time I just put them up on YouTube, then use the links.


Hope this helps.

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