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AFTX, your layout version 009 looks like something to build on/ revise.  If the loop in the lower left (in area where desk will be) were cut and pasted to the SE corner we could start the run around the room there.

The large "d" shaped loop only extends east about 6 feet from West wall.  This maybe could go out further, perhaps to 9-10 feet without encroaching on chair push-back space and keep a widish opening to the walk-in.  What do you think? Thanks


The software is no different than paper and pencil. it only allows one to more variations and make changes in less time.


Like any other tool, it takes time to master it. Both SCARM and RR-Track can lead you an accurate design that will build as planned. Each has its own nuances, like any software.


More thought and consideration now will lead to a layout that you can quickly build and be happy with for some time. Scenery, well that just takes time.


Enjoy the journey and get something running for the nietos.


Post your progress!

Quite interesting, AFTX.  I'm hoping my disc with RRT 5.1 comes tomorrow so I can pull up your ideas and respond to them with a RRT rather than just words. 


As I look at the "N-S dimension" of the peninsula, I'm wondering how best to decrease this to have less real estate out of reach.  Since I only have 4 locomotives maybe the idea of the RT is excessive and maybe I should wait for a down-the-road expansion of what I have.  In that case maybe you and/or those who are operations minded might have a suggestion or two about turnouts or sidings that would permit me to learn a little about simple operation, like servicing from one loop to the other or whatever would fit in this space. 


AFTX, in 015u I see than the inner line from edge can reverse easily.  Since the DCS system lets you program a "run", including switch operations, which you can call up any time to run again, ... would it be possible to add some turnouts to the outermost main such that I could reverse direction on this as well?  If it helps, as the peninsula might become a little thinner, it could extend to the east some more.


I still kind of like the idea of the "passenger station" as I have the UP passenger set and will have the Monon Line passenger train (University Run) in a month or so.

I'll just have to ignore the fact that the Monon Chicago to Louisville I think left from the old Dearborn Station in Chicago and the UP trains to LA and San Fran left I believe from Chicago's Union Station.


Looking ahead, as one gets ready to wire this baby up, would those types of wiring questions go to a different forum?  Thanks again to all.

Well, the final variant will be something very close to #17 or 18 above in AFTX's post. Trying to get up to speed on RRT 5.1.  Thinking about a 24 or 30 inch wide extension 4 feet toward the TV to create space for a yard.  I know I swore I wouldn't intrude on the TV viewing area but as it's off to the side of the TV where no one walks...


I know that multi-clicking lets you select all the track pieces in a layout and then cut or copy and paste it or duplicate it.  Is there a way to open up a whole new RRT layout with blank screen and then paste the whole thing at once into the new plan?


2 pix included to show what I feel will be the footprint of the benchwork.  The tightest entry spot is 36 - 39 ".


The new yard could go where the glass/brass coffee table is right now doing absolutely nothing useful.  It should go between the sofas but there is not much room there.


Any further thoughts?  Thanks

I better get started ordering some track!!


1-LO Room Benchwork FP

2-LO Room Benchwork FP


Images (2)
  • 1-LO Room Benchwork FP
  • 2-LO Room Benchwork FP

Try selecting Start>RR Track and open a new instance. Then on the task bar, select the instance with the objects to be copied, select ( double-click for all or Ctrl+click for multiple items or sections)and right-click and select copy. Then click on the blank instance of RRT on the taskbar . Right-click on blank area and select paste.


Did that work?


For longer yard tracks

Might only be for 3  or 4 tracks wide

Have the yard tracks go under the TV.

Make a book case/TV stand for that part of the room.

If you do not want to see the trains while under the TV ,

Make a false front , with a drop down door.

The whole area needed height wise you will have to figure out ; 10 - 12 " high?

wb4hay,you're absolutely right; I had noticed that as I was trying to figure out a way to reverse direction on that outer main line.  See attached rrt file. Does that seem like a good place to put it?

This attached revision has deleted the turntable.

Is there a pattern of sidings or switches that could be incorporated into this layout that would serve to teach a total rank beginner like me something about the basic fundamentals of operations?  I will also search for forum posts related to small/medium size layouts with operations.



Images (1)
  • AFTX_17_r3c
Files (1)

If you decide on a yard area, when you are at the wiring stage I recommend wiring your yard on a separate circuit from the rest of the layout.  This way you can keep it unpowered when not in use to save lights on any passenger cars not in use and save on chronometer time on your engines.  You can also use it as a program track which will come in handy when you get new engines or should you ever get any error messages for your engines.  


If you decide not to have a yard then I recommend just wiring one siding on a separate circuit to use as a program track.



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