I am at the root of this problem.
- I recommended Santa Fe Railway Diesel Locomotive Painting and Lettering Guide for Model Railroaders to Jonathan.
- I own the book myself, and, in reading it, did not catch the faded yellow grab irons on the 87L, on page 84 and the 86L on Page 85, even considering that the photo caption for the 87L points out that the grab irons on that unit were painted yellow.
- It is there, they were yellow, and I, in spite of being close to Santa Fe rednose diesels from 1951 through the end of their passenger duties, had never seen such a thing. If I had carefully read the photo caption, I would have warned Jonathan. He is not from Santa Fe territory. To me, this is an exception to the norm, but Jonathan only had the book that I had recommended and the official Santa Fe affinity group had published.
- The author did no service to readers by omitting any commentary about almost all nose grab irons being red, in spite of the fact that, on at least two E8m's, they were painted yellow.
- Likewise, the Santa Fe Historical and Modeling Society, which published the book, did not catch this in proof reading and annotate the page.
So, there is a photo and a caption in the book that, while not actually incorrect, could mislead readers. I own the book and did not read it carefully enough, nor did I double check the E8m information, knowing that Jonathan would likely rely on it.
He and I exchanged correspondence on the warbonnet striping, back when Sunset was about to produce FT's. Jonathan got the difficult compound curvature perfect, and the stripe leaves the roof at exactly the right place. He did the same excellent work on the warbonnet striping on the F7's, and, again, on the E8m. His attention to detail deserves no criticism.
Because I do know a lot of minutia about the actual locomotives from my first-hand observations, I should have made contact with Jonathan and inquired about the paint style sheet, but did not. That is a failure on my part.
In the future, I will not fail to offer what knowledge I have.