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If you read and/or subscribe to OGR magazine, you might have come across a couple of articles and pictures, including a cover story on Rich Battista's "Black Diamond Railway".

Rich is also an OGR Forum Sponsor and advertises as "Toy Trains on Tracks".


Now in the past, when I first came across the OGR article on this awesome layout, I cringed...

Not because it was not a great article and layout, for in fact the articles and the layout are in one word AWESOME.

Instead, I cringed...because the layout looked so great, I could not face the layout I was building!

As I recently joked to Rich in a OGR forum post, I told him that "His layout brings tears to my eyes"!

I felt guilty that my layout was not up to his standard, and full of shame..I am exaggerating of course!


However, there is some truth to this statement, for I believe that if I had purchased Rich's DVDs during the past few years and applied his knowledge and know-how, I would have built a much better layout.


The reason for this, is due to the fact, that the "Black Diamond Railway" DVD's are not just DVDs where you watch Rich's trains traveling across his beautiful layout.

Instead, the DVDs also include a WEALTH of information and knowledge that Rich shares with you in many forms.

Rich will show you how he planned, constructed, and operates his layout, and what it consists of.

In fact, the DVDs actually contain more information to help you build your layout, or should I say help you build a layout of the quality and coolness that he has achieved.


In addition, Rich includes his children in the DVDs operating the layout with a variety of hand held remotes and command and control systems; namely MTH DCS and Lionel TMCC and Legacy.

This inclusion of Rich's children in the layout DVD is pure gold for any parent interested in gaining the attention and interest of their Children into Model Trains.

Also, because Rich's children are of different age ranges, no child, adolescent, or teenager will feel left out.


You will also, learn things about model railroad layout, design, planning and construction, just by observing the trains in action as well.


It is very obvious, that Rich takes the approach of "Do it right or don't do it at all" very seriously.

For almost every aspect of the train room and the layout demonstrate Rich's attention to detail.

I am not just talking about adding scale details to a locomotive, what I am talking about is Rich's approach of slow, careful planning, staying cool, calm, and collect so he can think the process out carefully.

You can see this not only in the layout, but also Rich's mannerisms.


This was very important for me, as during my entire life, I have always been told to 'slow down", "stop rushing", "think about what you are doing".

Such advice, is what many of our beloved "Old Timers" in the hobby will also tell you, and Rich is certainly already a young Model Railroad wizard, and destined to be one of those beloved Old Timers many years from now as well, that impart their years of wisdom to us.


Rich also mentions how the trainroom was designed not only with trains in mind, but also Personal Computers, as it is obvious, both Rich and his family utilize the PCs in the trainroom for work and pleasure.

There is also a strategically placed television, for as Rich mentions, for the family to watch NFL Sunday football.

This is great coming from a master of the hobby like Rich, for it demonstrates that despite his love of model trains, he and his family are partaking in other hobbies and/or activities, as well as doing them together.

The fact that Rich presents this in a masterpiece layout DVD, adds valuable and useful credibility to any family discussion regarding building a possible model train layout, i.e. "'s not just about trains and me, it is about the entire family doing several things together".


So in conclusion, whether you are looking for a great layout video, how-to's, planning and design tips, and/or inspiration, the "Black Diamond Railway" DVD and BlueRay set are available from Rich at Toy Trains on Tracks, and will meet all your needs, wants, as well as providing great fun, happiness, and above all inspiration regarding your layout.


I know at the very least, my layout is already enjoying the benefits, of what I learned in watching and enjoying these videos.


NOW, go buy them!

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Rich's videos are very helpful when it comes to actually building your layout, and many of the tips and techniques can be applied to any scale. I can tell you from personal experience, that Rich and Eric Siegel's videos have been very helpful and informative when it came time to build our layout. I still go back and watch them to refresh or see how something was done, or what the finished product looked like. Sometimes I use their ideas, and sometimes I take what they did, and adapt my own technique. How would our own trains/layouts look without the resources we have today... DVD, YouTube, Forums....etc etc, and the fact that people take the time to share it.

They are an amazing piece of work covering a terrific layout. Rich does a great job of explaining how it built it and developed all of those details.....


Mrs Muffin really liked them too. She likes to say, as she finishes a detailed area on our layout, "Well, I ain't no Rich Batista, but that looks pretty good!"

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