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Nessmuck, you do not say what kind of track or brand you may be considering. At the top decision point there is either S scale track or S high rail track. Assuming you are not a scale operator we can look at just the high rail options. For track with ties there are currently two widely available options, GarGraves and American Models. GarGraves makes several radius of curves but only one turnout size, they call it 42" diameter. They also make matching flex track. GarGraves mates up with Gilbert track.

The other choice is American models. It looks much more realistic than GarGraves and has two turnout sizes plus several crossing angles. It is solid rail track, code 148.

 There is also American S gauge. This is a good looking and well made solid rail track. I am not sure if it is still in production. It may still available from some sources. They made two turnout sizes.

Finally there is Fox Valley. It is not a sectional track system They make near-scale flex track and #5 turnouts. It uses code 138 rail, the smallest that Gilbert and other high rail trains can run on. This is the same rail size that the MTH and Lionel FasTrack systems use. These two of course have their own plastic roadbed so not what you are looking for.


I like American models track.  I have almost no problems with it. The turn outs are better that S-helper/MTH and far cheaper than Lionel. They have three sectional radius of track 21, 24 and 27 and flex track.  I can run scale length passenger cars through AM Turnouts and do so on my small layout daily!

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