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Here is the only post in SCARM Railroad Modeling Blog for January:

Reset SCARM Settings to Defaults

Use the method, described above if you want to revert to default settings and/or if you have troubles when starting the program - resetting can be of help.

Now I am finishing and testing some new features in SCARM and the next version will be released soon, I hope


Last edited by Mixy

I searched the forum for the past 20 minutes and can't find the answer.  Forgive me if it has been answered and I just missed it.

Is there a way to set the baseboard height?  I want the baseboard at 32" above the floor.  I'm trying to model the entire basement and putting the baseboard at the real level will help me visualize better.  

Hi John D,

When you set the track height, the terrain of the baseboard follows it.

Double- click a track to highlight the entire layout. 

Next turn on heights by selecting the H button on the menu bar.

Then select a track joint at 0 height, hold down the Alt key and press the > caret right to increase all track heights to 32".

Now hit the 3D button and take a look.

Save the file and rename it to keep this version different from the first.

From here you can really 3D the entire scene. Make a floor object(polygon), make wall objects, and for a floating table look, create a polygon by following the shape of the baseboard outline. Set the properties vertical position at 31.25" and the height .75", pick a color, leave snap terrain unchecked.

Now click on a baseboard line and delete it. Check 3D. You can make legs with rectangles set at 31.50" vertical position and -31.50" height. Color them and leave terrain unsnapped. Copy, paste and move to create more.

here's a room 3D example of a bedroom, with closeouts the entrance and bathroom door represented and a window. I let the terrain exist on this to give the feel of skirts on the layout.



Images (1)
  • Room 3D Example

Ooops, sorry about that - double-click a track to highlight the entire layout and tap the bridge button. This Removes the default terrain follow.

It grays the track like roadbed is there in 2D. I deselect bridge for working and select it for the 3D eye candy. It does mess with tracks that actually are a bridge, but it's the only way I know of to get the "floating" on a table 3D effect.

Would you mind posting or sending me the file?

Here's an example- a layout at the end of a room that I designed for someone.

3D End of Room Layout


Images (1)
  • 3D End of Room Layout
Last edited by Moonman

Thinking more on this, maybe it makes more sense to keep the baseboard at 0.  This way, any multi-level track will be easier to plan.  So when you see 0 height track, you know it goes on the table and 6" track goes 6" in the air.  As opposed to having to remember to subtract 32 from all the elevations.

Ok, when all of the tracks are highlighted an the Height(elevation) button is selected), right-click a track>select track supports>select none.

Here's the file back Right-click and select save target as to download and select open when it lands.

I was going to create your stuff if you sent me the file. Right-click the objects and select properties to see how they were created.

Track is layer 0, table layer 1, fascia boards and legs layer 3


Files (1)

Thanks, Moonman.

I don't have the file here with me and I appreciate the effort.  I know how to draw the other stuff, I just was strugling to get the track to "float".  Removing the supports worked!  Technically I'm at work right now, but this has been ocupying my brain and I needed to dislodge it so I can focus on real work.

Then again, now that I know how to do it, I am now distracted by track planning!  Keep an eye out for some new posts in one of the track layout arenas...

Well,  work on the layout track plan using 0 as a base, create your elevations and slopes. Then you select all tracks, click on one elevation point (solid red), hold down the ALT key and right caret the height of zero, to say 32". It raises all tracks by adding 32" with disturbing your grades and elevations.

Then you work on the eye candy.

Go get some work done!

DoubleDAZ posted:

I prefer to use negative values for the height of legs, walls, etc., so that the baseboard doesn't fill the space beneath the tabletop.



Did you guys miss this? In this example, the legs start at -34" and their height is 34". You don't have to fool the program by changing all tracks to "bridge" to avoid the terrain filling all the space. You don't have to fiddle with track heights because they still start at 0. In this example, the tunnel tracks in the upper left are at 0" and the ovals are raised 6". And there is a real bridge across the entry.  You could easily add walls at -34 with a height of 96", 120" or whatever. Everything is relative to the terrain base of 0.

This is one of the advantages of SCARM over RR-Track where you can't place objects using negative values and have to resort to tricking RR-Track by setting all track to "overpass" or change the 3D settings to not display terrain following. It's a lot easier in SCARM to remember the legs are at -34 and the tracks at 0" and 6" than to remember in RR-Track that the first level of tracks is at +34 and the next level is at +40.

Same as any other. The layout would be 72" above the floor, assuming you'd want to represent the entire room complete with doors, furniture, etc., to get a fairly accurate representation. If you didn't care about a full rep, you could simply represent the first foot or so above the floor and then the rest of the wall above the layout. The point is track elevations would all be relative to 0, not 72".

For my layout, I'll start the legs at -34", add benchwork around the legs at -3.5" and the terrain at 0". The level 1 track will be at 0", grade to level 2 at 0"-6" and level 2 a polygon 1/2" thick at 5.5".

The first image is a quick rendition I did of an earlier version of what I was working on. I hadn't played with track separations, etc., at that point, so there is some terrain overlap covering tracks that are too close to each other. Again, all track elevations are relative to 0" rather than how they are in the RR-Track version relative to 34".
EDIT: Note that I defined some upper level tracks as bridges to keep the terrain from filling the space.

The second image shows a rendition of the elevations of one of my versions. You can see all measurements are relative to 34" and were a pain to figure out with all the layers of roadbed, etc. It would have been so much easier if all measurements had been relative to 0". And when I start cutting pylons to support the upper levels, I will once again have to refer to 34" and will probably end up cutting twice.

The third image is a rendition of a layout someone else did using negative numbers.

Look, I'm not saying one way is better or worse, I just wondered if my post got overlooked. For me it is easier to keep things straight if track heights are kept relative to 0", simple as that, and I was simply offering a different methodology.





Images (3)
  • test53d
  • elevations
  • room3d
Last edited by DoubleDAZ

Hey that third image looks familiar.  That layout is mine and it is finally coming to life.  SCARM is a amazing tool for front end trying to figure out overall layout and after the fact so you have a final file.  I have to admit I got so caught up on SCARM and tweaking everything nothing was getting built.  A lot of progress and just picked up some backgrounds from Trackside Scenery.  Cant wait to see them on the layout.

Merlin1280 posted:

Hey that third image looks familiar.  That layout is mine and it is finally coming to life.  SCARM is a amazing tool for front end trying to figure out overall layout and after the fact so you have a final file.  I have to admit I got so caught up on SCARM and tweaking everything nothing was getting built.  A lot of progress and just picked up some backgrounds from Trackside Scenery.  Cant wait to see them on the layout.

Hope you didn't mind me using it as an example, I still have your file for reference. I also get caught up on the planning stage because software makes it so easy to play with different versions and my space wasn't ready. Now it's ready and I'm still playing with designs until we get back from vacation mid-April.


Absolutely no issue that is great, I started a thread a year back about sharing SCARM images and files and there was a ton uploaded so happy to see everyone is sharing.  Here are some pics of my around the basement layout bench work is done and going to be putting up Trackside Scenery this weekend.  The owner of that company was awesome on the front end and excited to see the product it looks to be amazing.


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  • IMG_7125
  • IMG_7131
  • IMG_7132
  • IMG_7133
  • IMG_7134
  • IMG_7135

yep here it is it's a live document as I change the layout I change the document. one thing I always seem to for get is the 1 3/8 pieces on 072 fastrack switches so it messes up my designs. 199x152 something like that if you look the lower level is the smallest level the reason for that is the room has 3 attic doors 48 inches tall one under the transfer table area one in the back right corner and one on the left wall middle I still needed access to them because of xmas tree and stuff so had to build the layout around those area's .




Files (1)
Last edited by Jhainer
Jhainer posted:

yep here it is it's a live document as I change the layout I change the document. one thing I always seem to for get is the 1 3/8 pieces on 072 fastrack switches so it messes up my designs. 199x152 something like that

My, you have really made some changes since the last time I saw the plan. I'll bet it's a lot of fun to operate.

yes it is at first it was one train on lower one on the middle and 3rd level nothing since it didn't have track well now one on lower, 2 on middle, and 1 one the 3rd, half way haven't finished the track for the third level since the plan keeps changing.

here's a better video shows 3 running

these are the changes since that last video.

 2 bridges added to lower level and track plan adjusted


Union pacific transfer table. with switch house.


finally found a home for this station so I had to rework the tunnel .


UP yard benchwork track has now been laid.


Bridges in action with the fision fiber test area. I like how it turned out need to paint the area and add the water. wife says I can not take anymore room !!work in the area I have now and either go up or down



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  • 20160126_215149
  • 20160214_150728
  • 20160214_151938
  • 20160220_174400
  • 20160220_174431
  • 20160226_220541
  • 20160227_022016
  • 20160227_205126
Last edited by Jhainer
Ace posted:

Mixy, many Thanks for the continuing enhancements to SCARM !

SCARM World-12

How do you pull off the spheres and smooth sided pyramids?

And do you happen to have a virtual post war helicopter? 

(Shoot I should ask for a know, one I could afford...)

Mixy- It took me about half a second to love "my new gift".

Thanks for the new toolbox, and then setting my measuring tape down right next to it. "So cool I could do two kinds of back flips for you" .

  Just what I always wanted, but thought asking was a bother; U D man!

Adriatic posted:
Ace posted:

Mixy, many Thanks for the continuing enhancements to SCARM !

SCARM World-12

How do you pull off the spheres and smooth sided pyramids? ... 

I create the globes with multiple short cylinders, centered and rotated on a common axis. The next figure shows how this is done. The globe at left has 18 transparent cylinders. The globe at right has all 18 cylinders the same gray color. In the center are three cylinders of different colors, showing how they overlap. The 1" x 1" x 1" cube is for size comparison. A second 1" x 1" x 1" cube with 'transparent' color is directly superimposed to create the edge outline.

globes demo-01

The next image explains the calculations to get a reasonably smooth globe figure. After creating one cylinder, it is copied and rotated, then they are grouped-copied-rotated again, and again etc, until a full globe approximation is created.

Calculating to make spheres-1b

The pyramid is a modified roof shape, basically a building with no walls and tall pyramid-style roof. A variety of unique shapes can be created with text editing of the parameters for roof figures in SCARM files.

If you try text editing of SCARM files, be careful. Incorrect specs may cause the program to hang up.

Some of the special shapes I've created with SCARM figures are fine-tuned with text editing. I studied the SCARM files for different figures and figured out what the different parameters do. SCARM uses millimeter dimensions in the text files and for special purposes I find it easier to specify precise dimensions in metric.

"Ian's locomotives" included in the SCARM library are created with much more sophisticated editing of "object" files, which is more that I have been able to figure out.

I've found SCARM to be a really fun and creative tool for more than just track planning. The next image shows a 8' x 12' "guest house" idea I drew up with basic SCARM figures, mostly rectangles. The framework was created with scaled pieces of lumber and the interior walls have individual pieces of drywall. The 3-D imaging is fabulous for planning out every detail to fit the space !

guest house-15c

Mixy has been extremely generous to make this great software available for free! Many Thanks again!


Images (3)
  • Calculating to make spheres-1b
  • globes demo-01
  • guest house-15c
Last edited by Ace

Thanks Ace, Sort of as I suspected, but needed to ask.

  I haven't done graphics by code in a long time, & it was a few different systems. Different except for that lock-up part, which is why I'm hesitant.

So while it looks simpler today, I'm past wanting to do much line work again.

But....I found the transparent button on the first page of figure properties, right next to the items color bar. I either forgot it was there, or just plain never hovered over it! I guess I looked in the wrong spot & figured it didn't exist.  After all, it's gone from most MS color choice screens. It was there for many years, but is mostly missing from the choices today   

Mixy posted:

And now, I have good news about SCARM. The new version 0.9.32 of the program is ready and published, coming with new Flip and Rotate features and many new and updated track libraries. Read more details here:

SCARM Model Railroad Layout Software 0.9.32 Released

Hope you will like the new version

I certainly do. I really like the rotate control tool and the fine adjustment in .25 increments.  The flip works great too, will just need to redo the switches in my current layout with those in the latest libraries. I like that you added the note to explain why some tracks can't be flipped. Excellent work!

I replaced all my turnouts and darned if the flip option didn't work perfectly. Not sure how often I'll use this feature, but I could have used it a few times in the past, so I'm sure it will come in handy at some point.

NOTE: When I replaced the turnouts in my yard, I replaced the first O54 LT and then used the spacebar to add the next 2. That did NOT work, I had to add each turnout individually. So, I then tried with a new layout and got the same result. Adding multiple switches using the spacebar does not allow those to be flipped. My guess is the data needed for the flip is not transferred when the spacebar is used,  but I'm sure that will be corrected at some point. I've already reported it to Mixy, but I wanted folks to know how to work around it.

first I would like to say i love this program. I have made and changed layout plans with ease using scarm. However since i downloaded the latest version I have been unable to view many of my designs in 3d. I keep getting an error message telling me tesselation coordinate is too large whatever that means. I have scarm on both my laptop and desk top with my laptop having version 0.9.31 and everything works fine on there, has anyone else had this problem.

I confirm the problem with Flip and turnouts, added with spacebar. That will be fixed in the next version.

@Old_Toymaker: There are no changes in the 3D engine between current and old release of SCARM, so it may be something in your PC, but to be sure, send me a letter towith snapshot of the error message and also the SCARM project file for checking.


  I have been making different changes to the layout and through a process of elimination found that anything with roadways in it give me the error message. When trying to add a road to a test layout it locks up the program so i believe  the problem had something to do with the object file. however after shutting down the comp and restarting it today i have found the problem went away .  I guess I was in too much of a hurry to use the program and forgot to reboot after the download. I love this program, It makes it sooo easy to design a layout and change it to meet whatever your needs are. I must say Mixy you are a genius.

     This is a design I have been playing with for my last layout when i retire. because right now this looks like the basement for the house we are planning to build (but that could change) but i want to be ready. It took me 2 years to come up with my current layout.


Images (1)
  • snapshot
Files (1)
Last edited by old_toymaker

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